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One question I get asked a lot is “what would I do if I was a new copywriter today?”…

Honestly it’s pretty simple…

And my answer is based on coaching a bunch of copywriters from scratch and helping them to get to 6-figures.

Here’s what I would do…

– I would start writing on my own for at least an hour a day.   I would pick either emails or leads to write and start there.  I would write these every single day (including weekends) for 3 months

– If I had the money, I would invest in some type of coaching (like Copy Accelerator LITE or something similar).  This would help me get feedback on my copy and I’d be able to get to 6-figures much quicker

– I would get to know other copywriters who are where I want to be.  I would talk to them regularly and use their stories to help me see what’s possible.  I’d also lean on them if I go through periods where I struggle and want to quit.

– Once my copy was decent enough, I would start applying for copy gigs and jobs.  I wouldn’t really care about the pay on the gigs, I just want to write for someone where I can learn a lot.

– My focus in the first year would 100% be on learning “what works” and what doesn’t work with copy.   So if I was writing emails, I would want to be seeing the data every single day.   I would go above and beyond what’s expected of me so that I  could learn as much as possible

– After about 12-18 months of learning “what’s working”  I would figure out a way to add more value to whoever I’m working for.  So for example if I’m writing emails, I would add more value by offering to manage the whole email list for them.  And in return,  I’d ask for a pay increase or a % of the revenue I generated

That’s kind of the plan I would follow in a nutshell.

Like I said, this is a proven plan.

I’ve helped numerous copywriters with this plan…

Like Krista Edsall who was a bartender, and now she makes 6-figures writing emails for a major direct response health company.

And Tanner Henkel who was folding clothes at Abercrombie before he got into copywriting, and now  makes multiple 6-figures managing email lists.

Also Andrew Tennant who was selling insurance a few months ago, and is now booking $10k-$15k months as a copywriter.

So it’s possible to get results really fast.

It just takes effort…

And surrounding yourself with the right people…

And following a proven plan.

That’s the key.

So if you’re new…

I’d suggest following this proven plan.

And if you really want to kick-start your resullts, you should probably join us at our Copy Accelerator event in a few weeks.

You’ll get to hang with killer copywriters like me, Stefan Georgi, Chris Haddad, Sabah Karimi, Ian Stanley and Dan Ferrari.

You’ll also get to meet business owners who are actively looking to hire copywriters right now.

I truly believe this event could be a game-changer for you.

So if you can make it, I suggest you read about the event and apply for one of the seats right here.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.