Almost everyone I know has a certain income range that they’re comfortable making money in.
And when things get out of that range (either higher or lower) they freak out.
For example…
When I was growing up, I thought that $50,000 was a lot of money to make in a year.
Cause that’s what my parents made.
In my little town of Sandusky, Ohio you were doing well if you made $50k a year.
So when I first started making my own money, I had some real hang-ups about making more than $50k.
It felt uncomfortable…
And I felt weird making more money than my parents.
So what did I do?
I unconciously sabotaged myself.
I did a bunch of stuff to get rid of the money so I wouldn’t feel so bad about it.
I leased a $55,000 car…
I moved into an apartment that was 3x the cost of my old one…
I started spending $300 at the bar every Friday night.
I unconciously got rid of a lot of the money…
And got myself back to a number in my bank account that I was more comfortable with.
Maybe you can relate to this story…
Maybe not…
But this kind of thing happens a LOT.
You see it with athletes…
You see it with lottery winners…
And you see it with entrepreneurs who make a big leap in income…
On an emotional level they simply can’t handle their new level of income.
So they make bad financial decisions…
And they do everything in their power to “get rid” of the money.
That way they feel more comfortable.
And this brings up an important point…
I’ve found over the years that the more comfortable I am with money, the more of it I have.
Money isn’t attracted to people who are anxious and tight about it…
It’s attracted to people who are comfortable with it.
So it’s in your best interest to get more comfortable with money.
Which is why I’ve been suggesting all week that you join me at my buddy Ian Stanley’s upcoming “Almost Passive Income” event that’s happening Nov. 5-6th.
I’ll be speaking on day 2 of the event…
And the whole event will be about MONEY.
How to think about it…
How to invest it…
How to make it…
Honestly this is one of my favorite topics to talk about.
Cause I’ve seen how much better (and more fun) my life has gotten as I’ve made more money.
So if you want to do the same…
I suggest grabbing a ticket to the event.
You can attend the event either in person (in Boise) or online.
And unlike most events like this that are $1500 or more…
This one is only $300.
So it’s quite a steal.
You can read all about the event, and snag a ticket for yourself in this Google Doc that Ian wrote up right here.
I hope to see ya there…
– Justin