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I’ve been messing around with my schedule lately and testing some new things, so I wanna share what a day in my life currently looks like…

Let’s dive in…

7:30- 8 AM – wake up

This is my natural time to wake up. 

I don’t set an alarm, or anything like that. 

My body wakes up at this time whether I go to bed at 10 PM or 3 AM.

I’ve tried waking up earlier before.  And I did enjoy the quietness of it.  But getting up at 7:30-8 I just function better throughout the entire week so that’s what I do.

Note: I’m fully aware that most people who have kids don’t have this luxury, so you have to find what works for you. 

8-10 AM – Main tasks, walk, breakfast

The most important part of my day is from 8 AM – 10 AM. 

This is when I get the stuff done that really moves the needle in my business.

For me that’s two things…

1.  Writing this email

2. Doing something that will add new people to my email list

I make sure to get these two things done each morning.

After I’m done with that, I usually get a 15-20 minute walk in. 

Ive found that if I don’t walk, I wind-up just sitting on my ass all day and barely getting 2000 steps in.

So the walk is important.

And then after the walk, I usually eat breakfast. 

My assistant meal preps this for me, so I just toss the food in a pan and heat it up on the stove.

One thing to note on this 8 AM – 10 AM slot…

I protect this time like crazy.

I don’t let anything interrupt it.

No meetings, no calls, no doctor appointments.

If the Amazon guy is knocking on my door, they’re gonna just keep knocking, cause I’m not getting up to answer it.

That’s how serious I am about protecting my mornings.

It’s the most important part of my day…

And when I get the most done…

So I treat it that way. 

10AM – Noon – Email, feedback for members, eat

Once I have the big tasks done in the morning, I’ll use this time to check email, give feedback in Copy Accelerator, write or do anything else that needs to get done.

This might take an hour…

Or it might take the full two hours…

Just depends on the day.

I’ll also usually eat for a second time around noon.

Noon – 4 PM – Calls, meetings, content, nap

I try to schedule almost all of my calls and meetings for the afternoon.

This keeps my mornings free…

So an average afternoon might have things like…

– Copy Accelerator call (like today)

– Appointment with the dentist to get my teeth cleaned

– Call w/ someone who’s an affiliate of mine

– Recording an interview for my Youtube channel

– Calls w/Stefan and our team

– Nap around 2:30 or 3 ‘o clock

– Eat for a 3rd time around 3 PM

The afternoons usually vary a lot.

But mostly afternoons are meant for meetings, appointments and other things that require less focus (I try to get the things done that require a lot of focus in the morning)

4:00 – 6:00 Workout

My workouts are Monday, Wednesday, Friday at the Starting Strength gym.

Each workout usually lasts about 75-90 minutes.

Plus it’s about a 20 minute drive for me to get there and then another 20 minute drive home.

So it’s a big committment.

But it’s also something I really enjoy. 

Previously I was working out around noon, but once I switched to the 4:30 class, I found that works better for me.

It gives me more of an “end” to my day.

On my off days, sometimes I’ll go to yoga in this time slot as well. 

6:00 – 9:30 eat, relax, walk, social stuff

The end of my day probably varies the most.

Some nights I’ll have friends over for dinner.

Some nights I’ll have a date.

Most nights, I just chill on the couch and decompress after a long day. 

I might watch a movie…

Or I’ll watch a few episodes of Mad Men…

My biggest goal for the 6-9:30 time frame is to get my mind OUT of work mode.

I don’t want to be thinking about work…

Or stuff that needs done.

I worked enough throughout the day, now it’s time to relax.

9:30 – 10 PM – Bed

I’ve tracked my sleep on my Oura ring for close to two years now, and one thing that I’ve discovered is that I sleep much better when I go to bed early.

I used to stay up til 11 or 11:30…

But now I head to bed around 9:30 or 10 on most nights.

This is what works best for me.

I remember reading somewhere that every hour of sleep you get before midnight is basically the equivalent of 2 hours of sleep.

I’ve found that to be true for me.

I just sleep better, and feel better when I’m in bed by 9:30 or 10. 

I also make sure I’m not using my phone, or computer after 6:30.

Cause both of those mess my sleep up.

So I stay away from ’em. 

So there ya go…

That’s a little look into what an average day looks like for me.

Like I said earlier, I don’t have kids (or a wife) so my schedule might not be feasible for you.

But it works for me.

And that’s what matters.

Find what works for you, and stick to it. 

Hope this was helpful for ya…

– Justin

P.S. – I mentioned yesterday that we’d be announcing our next LIVE event today…

That is most likely going to happen on Thursday now.  

We have a killer line-up speaking at the event including Alen Sultanic, Chris Evans, Marcella Allison, Kim Krause Schwalm, Allen Baler and Jason Capital. 

So if you’re a copywriter…

Or you have your own offers…

Keep your eyes peeled for the event info.

You won’t want to miss this one…

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.