A question rolled in last night from a disgruntled reader who’s upset that I’ve been promoting the upcoming Copy Accelerator event for two months…
“I subscribed to your list in January, and everyday I’m getting some kind of promo for your event. I see it in my inbox. I see it everytime I’m on Instagram and Facebook. Enough is enough man, just stop“
Oh boy…
I’m not sure this even justifies a response…
But I’m gonna give one anyway.
Here’s the deal…
The reason you’re seeing a lot of ads and mentions of the event, is because…
Drumroll please…
That’s how you sell tickets to events!
People don’t just magically show up to events.
You have to promote it.
Which is why I mention it in my daily emails…
I mention it in Justin & Stefan Talk copy…
It’s also why we’re running ads on FB and IG about it.
We have a lot of promos going on…
Which is what you want.
You want to hit people from every angle.
And keep it on their mind.
So that’s why you might see a lot of it.
My “deeper” why for why we promote our events so hard is simply because I have seen them change so many lives.
I see it at every event.
Like Michael Rochin who was looking for a job as a GrubHub delivery driver in early 2020, and then came to our event and wound up making over $100k the next year writing copy.
Or Areeba Ahmed who was doing well on Upwork as a copywriter, but who wound-up 5x’ing her income in 2021 by meeting better clients through our events.
Or Scott Connorton who made $10k in his first year as a copywriter, then came to our event in 2021 and raked in nearly $140k that year.
I see stories like this play out at every single event we put on.
So it’s a big reason why I push our events.
Seeing a copywriter go from making $2k a month to $15k a month is a monumental transformation.
It changes their entire life.
Their family is more secure.
They have the money to go on vacations…
Or the flexibility to walk their daughter to school each morning.
It’s a big change.
So getting to see the change firsthand, lights me up.
And I want to see more of it.
Maybe this resonates with you…
Maybe it doesn’t…
But if it does, you should think about joining us for our Copy Accelerator event that starts in just 6 days.
For 3 days we’ll be digging into the latest copy hacks, email tactics and AOV boosters that are working right now…
We’ll also connect copywriters with 8 and 9-figure brands looking for writers…
As of now we have 350+ people joining us (both in person and virtually).
So it’s gonna be a good one.
However, the deadline to apply for a seat at the event is TOMORROW at midnight PT.
After that you won’t be able to get a seat.
Cause we’ll be focusing on getting ready for the event.
So if you want to attend, here’s the link where you can apply for one of the sit-in seats.
Hopefully I see ya next week…
– Justin