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Note: I am flying back to Austin this morning, so today’s email is a re-print of one of my favorites all about syncing up your life and your business.

One of the smartest things you can do for yourself is to get clear on exactly how you want your business and your life to look.

For example…

I have a couple things that are important to me when it comes to what I want my life to be like.

– Income 

For me, I want my income to be around $1.5 million a year.  If I make more, great.  But I’m happy being around $1.5 million.

– Amount of stress I feel

This is a big one for me.  I have added stress around our live events (more work on my plate), but other than that, I generally want my days to be enjoyable and not full of stress

– How many hours I work each week

I used to work 60-70 hours a week.  And working that schedule ran me into the ground.  Now-a-days, Im more focused on working 25-30 hours a week.  That’s a number I enjoy.   It allows my business to still do well, while giving me time outside the business to do what I want. 

– Quality of my relationships (both romantic ones and friendships)

This is an area I sacrificed for a number of years.  My business used to always come first. It came before girlfriends and spending time with friends.

Now I make relationships more of a priority. 

Whether that’s dinner with friends, or going on more dates.  It’s moved to the top of the priority list.

– How fulfilled am I feeling?

Money is great, but money without fulfillment is a tough spot to be in.

One of the most fulfilling things for me is simply seeing the transformation of people in our Copy Accelerator program.

Seeing a copywriter go from nothing to making $10k a month lights me up.  Or a business owner going from a million in sales to $10 million.

I see how life-changing that is.

So that fulfillment really drives me.

– Can I take time off/vacations?

My goal for this year was to take 3 full vacations (at least 7 days each).

I’ve already taken one of those vacations to Tulum, and have two more scheduled for later this year.

This is a major change for me cause I never used to take vacations.  I thought they weren’t necessary.

But I now realize they ARE necessary.  And if you want to be playing at your best, you need to take time off. 

– Am I keeping up with my workouts/eating plan?

This one is relatively simple for me.

I’ve been on the carnivore diet for the last 18 months or so with good results.

I’ve also been working out 3x a week, and then I toss in a yoga session or two each week  as well.

For what I’m after, this works.

I just want to get stronger, stay in decent shape, and stay flexible as I get older.

– Am I generally in a good mood/happy?

This one is kind of a “catch all”.

If I’m feeling happy, and generally in a good mood most of the time, then things are on track.

If I’m constantly stressed, pissed off or upset, then I know something is out of whack.

My overall goal is to be in a good mood more often than not.


So there ya go, that’s a list of the things I’ve been using to design my business and my life how I want it.

The key here is to figure out what matters to YOU…

And then to create a life that has that.

What matters is gonna be different for everyone…

But if you can get a little more clear on what matters to you,  your life will be a lot more enjoyable because of it.

That’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin


Note: If you’re a copywriter (or an aspiring copywriter) Stefan Georgi and I will be running an 8-week copywriting mentorship later this month.

We’re putting together the final details now, and should have more info for you in the next week.

So keep your eyes peeled for that if you’re interested…


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.