My email yesterday about “consistency” spurred a flurry of responses like this one…
“I’ve been trying to get my offer going for nearly 3 years. Consistency isn’t my problem. My problem is I’m not making any money with it. I’m putting in the work as you say, but nothing to show for it. What should I do?“
Great question.
My initial thought?
Yes, you’re doing the work and being consistent…
But you’re probably doing the WRONG things.
That’s why you’re not making any money.
Let me tell ya story that will illustrate this for ya…
Last summer, I was helping a friend of mine to make money with her Youtube channel.
She was really dedicated to the channel…
I think she had posted something like 250 videos on Youtube over a 3 year span.
So she wasn’t a slacker by any means…
However in that 3-year span, I think she made like $5k total from ad revenue and brand deals.
So she wasn’t exactly rollin in the dough…
And she was confused as to why she wasn’t making money.
So I told her point-blank…
“You’re putting in a lot of work making videos which is good…
But most of the work you’re putting in is the WRONG work. You’re doing something that’s not working. And you just keep doing it over and over thinking that if you do more, it will work“
Basically she was doing a few things wrong…
1. She didnt have a narrow enough niche. Her channel was about everything from yoga to health to travel.
You can get away with going wider like this once you have a few hundred thousand followers and people are really interested in your life…
But she wasn’t at that point.
So it was smarter for her to pick a tight niche and just make a bunch of videos about that niche.
2. Secondly, her topic choice for her videos were not good.
Most of them were vlogs like “watch me go to a jungle party in Tulum”.
Or “My trip to Lebanon”…
Well if you’re trying to build an audience…
Your topics should be about THEM.
AKA things that they’re interested in.
So I suggested doing videos like…
“How women can get into the best jungle parties in Tulum”
“7 mistakes women make when solo traveling (these are dangerous)”
Both of these topics are interesting…
And people would click on them.
They’re much more appealing than…
“My vlog of traveling through Costa Rica”
That’s all about her.
And not about the viewer.
I told her that if she simply changed these two things…
Her channel would start to get more traction.
And once it started growing…
She could sell products, ebooks and all kinds of other stuff to them.
Point being…
You can do things for years on end (like my friend did with her Youtube channel) and still not be successful if you’re not doing the right things.
Yes, you’re getting things done…
But you’re going down the wrong path.
And no matter how much you do of it…
Or how many years you put into it…
It’s never gonna turn into money.
Cause you’re doing the wrong things.
So if you’ve been chugging along trying to make something work for years and years…
And you have nothing to show for it…
I’d say it’s time you change your strategy, and start doing the RIGHT things.
That’s my 2 cents…
Enjoy your Tuesday…
– Justin
Note: If you want to potentially 2-5x your copywriting income, then you might be interested in working with me on a deeper level.
I have a mentoring program called Copy Accelerator, where you get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.
We’ve already helped hundreds of copywriters hit multiple 6-figures in income like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Samantha Novak, Mario Castelli, Scott Conorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills, Areeba Ahmed, Krista Edsall and more.
So if you want get feedback on your copy, access to high-paying clients and potentially 2-5x where you’re at now…
Then I suggest giving this a read and seeing if it’s for you…
-> Mentor under Justin & Stefan—————