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One of the things I wish I would have done earlier in life was to get clear on exactly what my “end game” was.

Case in point…

When I started making websites in 2004, my only goal was to make money.

I didn’t care how I did it…

Or how much work I had to put in…

I just wanted to do my own thing, and not have to get a “real job”. 

That was my entire goal.

And I achieved that goal after a few years of struggle.

And what’s more…since 2010 I’ve been able to build on that and make between 6 and 7 figures every single year. 

Which is a huge achievement.

And something I’m proud of.


Over those years, my “end game” changed a lot.

At one point my end game was to be the best copywriter in the world…

At another point it was to turn my supplement company into a $50 million dollar brand.

So my “end game” was all over the place.

And I think this really came from me not knowing what I wanted.

I didn’t know what mattered to me…

I was just doing stuff that I thought would get me approval from others. 

Wanting to be the best copywriter in the world wasn’t about mastery and the art of building a skillset…

It was all about people recognizing me and praising me.

That’s what I wanted.

And building a $50 million dollar supplement brand wasn’t about helping my customers to radically change their health…

It was about me trying to fill the gaping hole I felt inside with money. 

That’s what it was about. 

So I didn’t really know what I wanted…

Or what mattered to me…

And it wasn’t until I got more clear on my own values and desires… 

That my “end game” became more clear.

And that end game had a lot less to do with other’s approval…

And a lot more to do with having the kind of life that I want (one where I can work with dog rescues, teach copy and not have to worry about money).

Point being…

It’s worth figuring out what your end game is.

How much does money matter to you?

How much does freedom and flexibility matter?

How much does impact matter?

These answers will be different for everyone.

And you don’t have to get this perfect…

But it’ll be extremely helpful for you if you have a clear picture of what your “end game” looks like.

Hope you got a few nuggets from this.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin 

P.S. – I’ve been considering doing a course breaking down how I went from being broke in 2010 to being able to retire at the age of 38…

Basically I’d give you the blueprint for how I did it…

And show you how to make, spend and invest your money so you can do the same.

This is something I’m quite passionate about.

And if there’s enough interest, I’d love to teach it.

So if you’d be interested in learning this from me, just reply to this email and let me know.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.