Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s dig into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning.
1. Emotion will always sell better than logic
Yesterday I watched a webinar on healing Crohn’s disease by a guy called “Heal Your Gut Guy” that I stumbled across on Youtube.
And his webinar was great…
He did an awesome job of bonding with me…
And showcasing his struggles with Crohn’s (which were very similar to mine).
He taught me a bunch of new things that I didn’t know, so I wound up buying his program.
He almost lost me at one point late in the presentation.
Cause he spent way too much time trying to use LOGIC to persuade me.
Instead of focusing on all the benefits I’d get from the course like…
Not having to worry about running to the bathroom all day…
Being able to eat out at a restaurant with friends again…
His big focus was how much money his course was going to save me.
So he kept talking about all the money I’d save on colonoscopies, doctors visits, supplements etc…
And that part nearly lost me.
I tuned out.
And lost interest.
Now there’s nothing wrong with hitting on the money savings part.
I think it was smart to bring it up.
But it should have been about 10 seconds of the presentation (instead of a few minutes)
Cause in the end, the money savings is all logical.
And something like Crohn’s is a very emotional issue.
Crohn’s affects your relationships, how you feel about yourself, what hobbies you do, where you can travel to, what you eat etc…
And all of that is a much more powerful emotional motivator than simply saving money.
So I would have put more focus on those things.
And kept the money saving part to just a brief mention.
Point being, emotion always persuades more than logic. So the majority of your copy should be about the emotional problems and the emotional benefits your reader has.
Cause that’s what really sells.
Alright, let’s jump to the second thought on my mind this morning…
2. I started doing Wim Hof breathwork a few weeks ago, and it’s been a lot more challenging than I thought it’d be
This is my first time doing breathwork.
And I’ve done it 11 out of the last 14 days.
One thing I’ve noticed with it is that I have a big resistance to getting started with it.
Well because it can be uncomfortable.
It brings up a lot of emotions.
Sometimes I feel sad when I do it.
Other times I can feel anger bubbling up.
I do however feel great when I’m done.
But while I’m in the thick of it, it can be unpleasant.
Which I was simply not prepared for.
I had no idea breathing deeply could bring up so many feelings.
But it does.
It’s like a psychadelic of sorts.
It forces you to confront things that you don’t want to confront.
And I was not prepared for that at all.
However, I’m still gonna keep doing it cause I feel great. And I believe in the long term it will help me with my gut.
Alright let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning.
3. Most people are looking for “band-aids”, but in your own life you want to get to the root cause
One of the reasons I love working with my coach, Brent, is that he’s all about getting to the root cause of my problems.
For example…
Let’s say I’m feeling a lot of anxiety around the stock market going down.
Most therapists and coaches would simply talk about the stock market with you and why you feel the way you do.
But Brent’s focus isn’t really on the stock market.
Cause he understands that the stock market going down is not the root issue here.
The root issue is more along the lines of me thinking I’m gonna run out of money (and then being worried I won’t be able to make it back).
So the real issue is about me feeling defective (AKA I don’t have the skills to make the money back if I lose it).
That’s the real issue.
So that’s what he focuses on.
However most people don’t do this.
They just look at the surface level stuff (the symptoms).
And I’ve noticed the same thing happens in medicine as well.
One big gripe Ive had with all the gastros I’ve worked with for my Crohn’s is that they’re always trying to treat the inflammation in my intestines.
So they put me on anti-inflammatory meds…
Or they recommend biologic drugs…
And both of those things CAN help…
However, they’re simply treating the symptoms.
Inflammation isn’t the root issue.
Inflammation is a symptom of a deeper problem.
That problem could be an infection…
Or it could be emotional trauma…
But most doctors don’t think like this.
They simply treat the symptoms.
And it’s why things only work for a short period of time.
Cause they’re just band-aids.
They’re not getting to the root cause.
Point being, what most people peddle are “band aids” for your problems.
But your goal shouldn’t be to look for band-aids.
It should be to get to the root cause.
Cause that’s how you get REAL, lasting change to happen in your life.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning.
Hope you got a nugget or two from this.
Enjoy your Sunday,
– Justin