Here’s something that will make you a lot of moolah…
When it comes to the product you’re selling, you need to figure out the one thing that REALLY matters to your buyer.
For example…
A few months back I was at a cocktail party and I ran into my friend Courtney and her new boyfriend.
I had never met this guy before…
And I was curious how the two of them met.
So I asked…
And Courtney replied…
“We met on Hinge”
Now, I haven’t used dating apps for like 5 years, so I’m not really up to date on how each of the apps differ, so I was curious WHY she used Hinge…
“I know Tinder has the most people. And Bumble allows the girl to do the choosing. So I’m curious what makes Hinge different?” I said.
Courtney thought about it for a second…
I was fully expecting her to point out some feature on the app that allows you to upload more photos…
Or some type of special messaging system…
But that wasn’t the case at all.
Her answer was a lot simpler than that.
“Honestly, Hinge just has more attractive guys on it”.
I kind of laughed when she said it.
Cause that didn’t even dawn on me…
But for people on dating apps, having attractive people on the app is by far the most important thing.
They don’t care about the features…
Or the cool little thing the developers are cooking up…
They care about how attractive the people are on the app.
This is what I mean when I say you need to figure out the most important thing in your business.
I’m sure there’s tons of conversations that go on at Tinder and Bumble about the “super likes” and how they can add new features.
But how many conversations are they having about “how do we get more attractive people on this app?”
Cause that’s what matters in the end.
Having attractive people on the app is why people will use the app…
And it’s why they’ll KEEP using it (instead of jumping to another app)…
Point being…
It’s crucial to figure out the ONE thing that really matters in your business.
Cause if you can figure that out…
And you can deliver it better than your competitors…
Life will be good.
That’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Friday…
– Justin