Note: I was going to write a big ole’ email on boundaries and why it’s important to have them in your business, then I realized I already wrote a pretty damn good email on this about a year ago (so I’m sharing that with you today). Enjoy!
When I was younger, I struggled mightily with always feeling overwhelmed in my business.
Well lots of reasons…
But the main one was that I had no boundaries.
I basically tried to make everyone happy.
So if I was writing copy, and in the flow, I’d drop all of it if someone sent me a Slack message saying they needed to talk to me.
Or if someone emailed me, I made sure I got back to them right away so they didn’t get upset.
My whole ideology was trying to fix everyone else’s problems.
Being a little older (and wiser) now, I can tell you this is a recipe for disaster.
If you put everyone else’s needs before your own, you’ll wind-up miserable.
You’ll be overwhelmed…
You’ll get walked all over…
And you’ll feel like you have no control of your life.
Because when you don’t have boundaries, you’re at the whim of everyone around you.
You have no sense of self.
So you’re just constantly reacting to what’s going on around you.
Which is not a fun spot to be in.
Like I said, I struggled with this for years.
And it’s only in the last 3-4 years that I’ve been able to develop solid boundaries in my business…
Now I’m able to put myself first…
I’m able to make myself a priority…
And the difference is night and day.
Cause now I get to choose what I focus on…
I get to choose what I let affect me…
That’s the power of good boundaries.
Without boundaries, you feel overwhelmed…
And burnt out…
Cause you’re basically trying to make everyone happy except yourself.
I know a lot of copywriters have this problem with clients…
And a lot of business owners do as well.
It’s something that isn’t talked about much…
But if you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a look at your boundaries.
Are you putting yourself first?
Or is everyone else first?
Give it some thought.
Cause having good boundaries could change dramatically change your life.
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin