Finance guru Ramit Sethi has a question that I really love that asks “what’s your RICH life look like?”.
Boiled down he’s basically saying if you could have everything you want in life, what would that look like…
For me that’s a few things…
1. Working on projects that I really want to work on (i.e. not just working on something cause it will make me money)
2. Being able to determine my own schedule (AKA no boss of any kind)
3. Living a relatively stress free life (my whole life shouldn’t be about work and deadlines)
4. Not having to do daily chores that I don’t enjoy doing (for me these are things like yard work, cleaning the house, doing the dishes etc)
5. Having the flexibility to travel somewhere and stay 3-4 weeks if I want to
6. Getting real fulfillment from the things I work on
7. Spending time with my friends where I know we’ll have a memorable experience (vacations, going to sporting events together)
8. Being outside in the sun (this is probably the simplest thing that brings me pleasure)
9. Having deep conversations about topics I’m interested in
10. Learning new things from smart people
11. Bringing interesting people together for dinners, parties etc…
I’m sure there’s more I could add to this…
But you get the gist.
This is what my “rich life” looks like.
It’s what matters to ME.
And that’s something I always harp on in my emails.
Cause it’s so easy to fall prey to trying to live a life that everyone else wants you to have.
But that’s not gonna make you happy.
What’s gonna make you happy is doing the things that matter to you.
And that will vary for each person.
What matters for me might not matter for you.
But that’s why I love Ramit’s “rich life” question.
It’s all about figuring out what matters to you.
And then working on making that happen.
So I suggest you give it some thought.
You’ll be glad you did.
Enjoy your Saturday,
– Justin