Yesterday I mentioned there were two non-business things I’ve done that wound up making me a lot more money (and making me a lot happier) and those two things were…
1. Cutting back on drinking
2. Finding better friends
After I finished yesterday’s email, there were a few more things that popped into my head, so I want to share those with you now…
These are non-business things that have had a big impact on my life…
1. Committing to weekly therapy sessions for the past 4+ years
Back in 2018, my buddy Ian Stanley started working with a coach named Brent Charleton.
And everytime Ian and I hung out, he wouldn’t shut up about Brent.
He’d go on and on about him…
And talk about how life-changing his work was.
At the time, I didn’t think I needed therapy…
So I just ignored Ian for the better part of 8 months.
Eventually I was intrigued enough to do a 4-day intensive with Brent.
I went into the intensive thinking it would be just another personal development thing thing that I participated in.
I had already done Date With Destiny and Landmark.
So I thought this would just be another thing like that…
But that was definitely not the case.
Brent peeled back so many of my layers and showed me a whole bunch of shit I had going on from my childhood that was still affecting me.
It was the first time I truly opened up…
And I let out a smorgasborg of emotions that had been bottled up for years.
When the 4 days were up, I felt like I had been gutted like a fish.
My whole reality was shaken.
And I was in a haze for a good 3-4 weeks after the intensive.
But eventually things got better…
And I’ve made some enormous progress in terms of seeing my own self worth…
Being happier…
And being more in touch with how I feel…
And all the work I’ve done with Brent is responsible for that.
His work changed my life in so many ways.
I wouldn’t have been able to run Copy Accelerator had I not worked with him.
I wouldn’t have been able to open up and make the friends I have.
I probably wouldn’t have dated most of the women I’ve been with over the last 2-3 years (I had a lot of anger issues around women due to a shitty relationship w/my mom).
So I owe Brent a lot for what he’s done for me.
And it’s why I say therapy has been one of the BEST things I’ve ever done in my life.
So if you’ve never done therapy…
I highly suggest giving it a try.
Even if you don’t think you need it…
It’s one of the best investments you can make.
Alright let’s look at another one of these non-business things that have changed my life.
2. Finding workouts that I actually enjoy and that I look forward to
Back when I was younger, I hated working out.
It never appealed to me.
So even if I went to the gym, I’d just do a couple sets of bicep curls…
And then I’d go play basketball for a bit.
That was the extent of my workout.
It wasn’t until 2008ish or so that I got bit by the “workout bug”.
What happened then was that I saw the infamous Youtube video of the “300 workouts”.
They were flipping tires, climbing ropes, pushing wheelbarrows…
I had never seen anything like it.
It felt primal…
And fun…
So inspired by that, I started doing the same.
I found a gym near me in Columbus that was an old-school “garage gym” just like the 300 gym.
And everyday I’d be in there flipping tires…
Carrying sandbags…
And swinging kettlebells…
I loved every minute of it.
It was the first time I ever truly enjoyed working out.
So that got me started…
And now-a-days, I still do a bunch of stuff like sandbags and sleds…
But most of my workouts are barbell workouts.
I focus on the big lifts like squats, deadlifts, presses etc…
And seeing my lifts go up each week is what motivates me.
I like knowing that I’m getting stronger…
Or putting on muscle…
That pushes me.
It’s kind of like a scorecard for how I’m doing.
But like I said…
I was not always into working out.
I used to hate it.
It took me finding something I really loved in the gym to keep me coming back again and again.
If you’re not doing some type of exercise…
I’d highly suggest finding something you like.
Doesn’t have to be lifting weights…
Could be boxing, yoga, biking…
Whatever it is, just find something you like…
And stick with it.
It’ll pay both short and long-term dividends for ya.
And it will help you both mentally and physically.
Well worth it to find something you enjoy when it comes to working out.
That’s all I got for ya today.
Hope you got a nugget or two from this.
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin