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One of the smartest things I ever did for my business (and my life) was to get super clear about how I wanted it all to fit together.

For example…

Here’s a few of the rules I try to abide by…

1.  It’s ok to make money a priority, but you shouldn’t just do something for money’s sake (you should actually enjoy what you’re doing as well)

2.  I’m happiest when I make time for friends and dating (i.e. if I work all the time and ignore the relationships in my life I start to feel “empty”, so I try to not let that happen) 

3.  I get outside and get 30-60 minutes of sun each day.  This is one of my simple pleasures in life.  I love being in the sun.  And I feel better when I do it. Sometimes I’ll simply lay in my backyard, and other days I’ll go do a barefoot walk around the park to get some sun.

4.  Get your most important business things done in the morning BEFORE your day gets hectic (if I leave things til later in the day they won’t get done)

5.  Workout at least 3x per week . For me this is mostly strength training, but I’m working on getting some cardio in as well now-a-days.  When I hit the gym consistently my mood and energy are always noticeably better. 

6.  I shoot for a 30% investment rate.  So if I make $1 million in a given year, I’m trying to invest $300k of that.  If I’m able to hit this investment rate, I don’t fuss over where I spend the rest of the money. 

7.  Sleep gets prioritized.  The more consistent I am about going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time, the better my sleep is (this is obviously much harder if you have kids, so just do your best)

8.  No work after 6 PM.  This is my time to wind-down and decompress.  I usually end up in the sauna at this time, or I watch TV.  This rule is very easy to break (especially if youre single and no one else is in your house), but I think it’s smart to have an “end time” to your work day. 

9.  Find ways to make money doing things you enjoy.  No amount of meditation, therapy or breathwork is going to make you happy if you hate your job or your business.  Spending 8 hours a day doing something that’s not enjoyable is not sustainable.  The good news is that there are PLENTY of ways to make money, so find a way to make money that you actually enjoy.

So there ya go…

That’s a few of the “rules” I have for myself when it comes to my blending my business and my life.

And I highly suggest you have some rules for yourself as well.

Get clear on how you want your day to look…

What do you want to do?

How much money do you want to make?

Who do you want to spend your time with?

All this stuff matters.

And if you ignore it, and ONLY focus on business you will not be a happy camper. 

So give it some thought.

And feel free to share with me a few of your “rules” for your business and your life (I’d love to hear em)

Enjoy your Monday, 

– Justin 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.