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One of the biggest things that keeps people stuck in a 9-5 job is that they wait TOO long to start a business (and the longer they wait, the more responsibilities they have in their life).

Case in point…

My best friend from highschool (Jude) has talked about starting his own business for as long as I can remember.

Back in 2014 he had an idea for a ticket app that he thought could steal some marketshare from StubHub…

A few years after that he was telling me about a clothing line he wanted to start…

And now-a-days, he’s working out the logistics to create a new granola bar that’s main ingredient is a sweet potato.

I have no idea if any of his ideas will work…

But I’d be willing to bet a pretty penny that we’ll never see any of them launch. 


Cause Jude’s life is pretty good right now.

He’s got a cushy job in finance…

And him and his wife just had their first kid about a year ago…

So he’s got a lot of responsibility in his life…

A kid, a wife, a mortgage etc…

So my gut says he’ll probably stay put at his current job…

And he won’t ever put any real effort into starting a business.

Which is sad for me to see.

Cause I know he doesn’t LOVE his current job.

And I know he’d be a great entrepreneur.

But right now he’s just got a lot on his plate that’s going to hold him back from taking the first step.

So let that be a cautionary tale for you…

If you think things will be easier in the future, that line of thinking is a mistake.

Cause it’s not gonna get easier.

You’re gonna have more responsibilities…

You’ll have less energy…

And you’ll more than likely have a higher income to replace than you do now.

So my advice?

Don’t wait for the “perfect” time to start.

Start now.

Maybe that means getting good at copy…

Or maybe it means creating your own offer to sell…

Either way…

The time to start is now.

Don’t be fooled by the promise of better days in the future.

Keep that in mind.

And enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.