If you want to make 2023 your best year yet, then I’d urge you to keep this one thing in mind…
Be gentler on yourself
This is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years from my coach, Brent Charleton.
I’ll give ya an example to illustrate what I mean…
Back in 2018 after I took a year-long hiatus from work, I hopped back into the marketing world and started teaching copywriting.
That first year back I think I made like $350k.
Which wasn’t bad…
But it also wasn’t anywhere near what I expected to make.
I thought I’d make a lot more.
Cause in 2017 when I was running my supplement company, my income that year was $2.2 million.
So in my mind, I figured I’d be at that number again.
I mean, I had all the skills…
And there was a big hole in the market for what I was teaching…
So I just assumed that I’d jump into this new business and start raking in a couple million dollars a year.
Well, that didn’t happen.
And because it didn’t happen, I started to get down on myself.
I questioned if I knew what I was doing…
And if I had made a mistake…
But when I talked to Brent about it, he had some advice for me that really put things in perspective.
I don’t remember the exact words he said…
But it was something along the lines of “It took you three years to get to that income level in your old business, and now you’re starting a totally new business in a niche you’ve never been in before (coaching)…it’s going to take some time to get there. You’re being too hard on yourself. Try to to be a little gentler on yourself”
That was a big eye opener for me.
For one, he was right.
And secondly, it made me realize I was always like this.
I always had huge expectations…
And I wanted things to go perfect…
Didn’t matter if it was in business, dating, or hitting the gym.
I was very hard on myself.
And while I’m sure being hard on myself played a role in making me successful…
It also took a toll on me.
Cause I had unrealistic expectations for everything.
And I was never able to live up to those.
So something I’ve really worked on in the last few years with Brent is simply allowing myself to be gentler on myself.
I don’t need to be any harder on myself…
Or more amitious.
I got that down.
What I need is to be gentler on myself…
Allow myself to make mistakes…
Allow myself to be human…
This is obviously not easy to do.
Cause it goes against my nature.
But if you’re a hard-charger like I am, this is one of the best mindsets you can adopt in 2023.
You don’t need to put more pressure on yourself, you simply need to be gentler on yourself.
Keep that in mind…
And enjoy your Friday,
– Justin