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There’s a disturbing trend I’m seeing lately among newer copywriters…

And an email I received this morning puts that trend on full display…


Hello, SUPERMAN Of Direct Response Copy World!You’ve helped thousands of people to achieve their goals in real world more than superman did in the movie. And that’s very kind of you. But… You Forgot To Tell One Thing In One Of Your YouTube VIDEO! Two Years ago you posted a video titled, “The fastest way to go from 0 to 10k$ a month as copywriter”. Which I just watched Two Times… In this video you described the3 Steps to go from 0 to 10k$ a month as copywriter. You did it very well. But… In the first step which was “learning the skill” you forgot to tell us. “How to find products on click bank we should write for?”To practice email writing. And… “How to get on certain email lists that we could watch what they’re doing?” So I expect you to tell us in a video or in an email the answer of these questions. And as a Copywriter Superman help more people. 



The line about “I expect you to tell us in a video or an email the answer to these questions” is something else.

I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk that up to English not being his first language.

But overall, this email is a good example of a disturbing trend I’m seeing more and more with new copywriters…

And that’s the fact that they want everything spoonfed to them.

I mean this guy could have easily taken the initiative himself to figure out the answers to his questions.

20 minutes of Googling and searching some Facebook groups would have told him everything he needed to know. 

But he didn’t do that.


Cause he doesn’t want to take initiative.

He expects everything to be spoon-fed to him in a free Youtube video.

Well I can tell ya from experience, this kind of thinking will hold our friend back. 


Because copywriting is a niche that’s overwhelmingly dominated by people who are self-starters.

When I got into copywriting, I had no mentors…

No Youtube tutorials…

No Facebook groups that I could ask questions in…

I basically combed through Bob Bly’s “The Copywriter’s Handbook” to get a grasp of the basics…

And then I spent hours on Google trying to find old direct response ads to study.

That was the extent of my copy education.

I had nobody showing me what to do…

Or giving me a blueprint to follow…

And guess what?

Most of the great copywriters like Gary Halbert and Eugene Schwartz did the same.

They were self-starters.

And they took initiative…

So in regards to our friend who sent me the email this morning, I’ll say this…

You need to be willing to put more of the initiative on your own shoulders.

You need to be a self-starter.

And you have to be willing to not stop when you hit a hurdle.

If you’re always expecting things to be spoonfed to you, you will never make it as a copywriter.

I can guarantee you that.

Cause you’ll just hit a roadblock…

And you’ll soon be searching for something “easier” to make money with. 

I don’t want that for you.

So my advice is to be willing to take on more of the initiative.

Be a self-starter.

If you do that, I promise your bank account will thank you in the end.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.