Funny story – a few years ago I met a guy at a conference who built his entire personal finance list through Reddit.
He basically posted on Reddit non-stop for a year…
And shared all kinds of helpful info in regards to budgeting, saving and investing.
And because of that…
Nearly 2800 people gravitated from Reddit to his website and got on his email list.
So he was able to build a nice little list just by doling out advice on Reddit.
The reason this guy approached me was because he was frustrated that nobody on his list was buying anything from him.
He launched an entire course for $45 that took him months to put together and when he put it out to his list, he made a whopping two sales.
Two sales!
So needless to say he wasn’t happy…
Which is why he approached me and asked for advice.
In his mind, he thought there might be something wrong with his offer…
Or maybe that his copy was weak…
But after looking at both, I told him neither of those were the problem.
He didn’t have an “offer problem” or a “copy problem”…
The reality was…
He had a “list problem”!
Specifically, his list was full of miserable, freebie-seekers who thought anyone selling a course was a scammer.
Which is nearly everyone on Reddit.
I’m not sure why Reddit attracts people like this…
But if you spend any amount of time on there you’ll see what I’m talking about.
The /copywriting sub is a perfect example of this…
70% of the posters in their seem miserable…
They hate people that sell courses…
And they actually see it as a badge of honor to spend 7 years learning everything on their own (instead of getting there in 1-2 years by learning from a course, or a mentor).
So it’s a pretty tainted way of thinking…
And one of the many reasons I’ve never posted there…
I tell ya this story for a few reasons…
One, because it’s pretty funny.
And two, because you need to be aware that there is a massive difference in the quality of leads you get based on the traffic source they come from
You want leads that are ambitious…
And positive…
And who like to whip out their credit card and buy shit from you.
That’s who you want…
You don’t want negative Nancy’s who shreek at the idea of spending money to get ahead.
Someone else can deal with those people.
You want to focus on the “people with money”.
And that’s exactly what I’m gonna be teaching you next Wednesday during my 1-day list building training.
I’m gonna show you how to repel the tirekickers…
And attract PWM (people with money).
The cool thing is the list building strategies I’m gonna teach you work in pretty much every niche out there…
So I’ll be showing you examples from health, investing, dating, astrology, golf, guitar, survival, guns, poker, collectibles, precious metals, fitness, biz op, religion, politics, copywriting, credit repair, self help and more…
So you’ll get to see plenty of real-world examples of how to build your list…
And I’m also gonna reveal a few “ninja” things like…
– How to acquire an 8000-10,000 person email list for free in the next two weeks (yes, I said free)
– The #1 traffic source that puts “people with money” onto your email list (this traffic source beats out Youtube, Facebook and Instagram when it comes to high-value leads)
– The 12 most profitable niches to start your list in (and the 3 niches you should avoid at all costs)
– How to start a list (and instantly profit) even if you’re not an expert and even if nobody knows who you are
– Advanced list building tactics that are bringing in 5000+ leads a day for “big dogs” like Mike Geary, Joel Marion and Russell Brunson
– Which lead magnets work best for attracting “people with money” (and which ones you should avoid)
– The 60-second test that tells you if your lead magnet will convert BEFORE you even create it
– How I turned a massive radio station into my affiliate that sent me 100-120 high-value buyers a day (radio ain’t “sexy” by any means, but the buyers and leads it delivers spend way more on average than a Facebook buyer)
– Lead magnets that are kicking ass right now in over 16 different niches
– How you can use “list splintering” to double the value of every lead you put on your list (list splintering is used by all the big emailers like Paleohacks, Garage Warrior and more)
– How to legally “hijack” your competitor’s thank you page and filter their best buyers onto YOUR list (this is super ninja and 100% legal)
– Plus much, much more…
So that’s what the training is all about.
I think you’re gonna be blown away by it…
And I think this training will appeal to you if…
– You already have a list, and you want to stop dealing with tire kickers and quickly add more PWM (people with money) to your list…
– You currently write copy for clients, but you’d like to have your own list so you can increase your income and escape the “hours for dollars” trap
– You’re currently a coach, expert or consultant who wants to have a list that will buy high-ticket services and programs without balking at the price
– You’re frustrated about your job, and you’d love to have a fun side hustle that makes you good money in the little free time you have available
So if any of those sound like you…
I think you’ll love this training I’m putting on.
As for the details…
The training will take place next week on Wednesday, January 25th at noon ET on Zoom.
Plan on it lasting about three hours…
If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away for any reason, you will get all the recordings from the training so you can watch it whenever you’d like.
So that’s the deal…
And as for the price…
Unlike other trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past, this one won’t cost $1500.
In fact, it won’t even cost $500…
I think having a list of “people with money” is a game-changer…
So I’m making this training affordable for everyone.
So instead of charging $1500 or $500…
The price is just $197.
So for $197, I’ll walk you through my whole PWM method for building your list.
That way you’ll be able to work just a few hours a day and still make an incredible living.
I can tell you from experience that having my own list full of “people with money” has allowed me to do some incredible things such as…
– make $350k in 2018 from a tiny list of 200 people
– routinely make $30k or more simply promoting other people’s products that I believe in (affiliate offers)
– get 70+ people to sign up for a $35,000 coaching program
– work just 1-2 hours a day, and still make $40k-$50k a month
My list did all of that.
Which is why I’m excited to teach you the secret sauce behind how to do it.
Again, the training will take place on Wednesday, January 25th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.
It will be recorded.
So if you can’t make it, or if you can’t be there for the whole thing, you’ll get the recordings sent to you the day after the training.
That’s the deal…
So if you want to be a part of this…
I suggest grabbing a spot today.
I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this.
So just head over to the checkout and get signed up if you want to be a part of it.
You can secure your spot right here.
Hope to see ya on the training…
– Justin