Take a look at this picture…

That’s me on the left, and my cousin Bill on the right at McDonald’s when we were kids.
It was my 4th birthday party…
I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
I remember having a blast wrestling with all my friends in the ball pit…
And then scarfing down as many chicken nuggets as we could…
It was a good day.
But I also remember that that day nearly didn’t happen.
Well at the time, money in our family was tight.
My dad had just been laid off from his job at Scandura…
And my mom wasn’t getting enough shifts at Perkins where she waited tables…
So we were barely scraping by…
And you could feel that in the house…
I remember my parents putting me to bed at night and then hearing them argue for the next hour about money…
“How are we going to pay this?”
“You know we can’t afford that!”
That kind of thing was a regular occurrence.
And it went on for most of my childhood.
But looking back now…
I think this is one of the reasons I worked so hard to get where I am today.
Cause I don’t ever want to go back to that.
I don’t want to be haunted by overdue bills…
Or wondering if I can afford to go to McDonald’s…
I had enough of that when I was a kid.
And even though it wasn’t the greatest thing for me growing up…
There’s a good lesson in there for ya…
And it’s one I hope ya take to heart…
You don’t have to end up how your parents ended up.
You can break free of that.
If they struggled with money…
Or if they were barely making enough to get by…
You don’t have to carry on that tradition.
You can start a new tradition.
One that gives you the kind of life that you want.
It’s entirely possible.
I did it myself.
And I believe you can too.
So I urge you not to give up…
And understand that no matter where you started, you can get the kind of life that you want.
Ill be rootin for ya…
– Justin