If you’re free tomorrow night, I want to invite you to a private call I’m hosting.
On the call, I’m going to reveal (in detail) how I used Brent Charleton’s “Correction Method” to…
– raise my prices and fees so I can charge what my stuff is worth
– eliminate my people pleasing tendencies that made me get walked all over by clients, students and women I dated
– become a better business partner which led to more happiness, less fights and less stress in my business
– get rid of the crippling feeling that my copy always had to be “perfect”
– feel comfortable in my body, and the way I look (even when I’m around people who are in better shape than me)
– almost completely eliminate the anxiety I used to have when approaching women at bars and parties
– become a better investor who’s not so worried about losing everything (and instead focusing on making GREAT investments)
– erase my need to “always be working” and instead work a more relaxed schedule (while still making great money)
– and most importantly, finally feel confident in who I am as a person (which was a huge change from the “worthless” feeling I had my whole life)
So I’m gonna be sharing the exact process I used to do all this (and more).
I’ll show you exactly how I did it…
And how you can use the same 1-page method to remove almost any mental block that’s holding you back in regards to success, money, writing, starting a business, scaling a business and more.
Plus, I’m also gonna have Alec Rosa and Ning Li joining me on the call as well.
Both Alec and Ning have used Brent’s correction method for a number of years to help them beat their procrastination, perfectionism and more.
So the three of us are going to share all that on the call tomorrow night.
The call will be at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.
It’s on Zoom.
And I will NOT be recording this.
So you have to be there live if you want to see it.
One other note…
This is NOT going to be a hardcore pitch for Brent’s course.
This will be a laid back call where we simply share in detail what we did to get past the mental blocks in our life (and show you how you can do the same).
We’ll also answer any questions you have about Brent’s “Correction method” as well.
So if you’ve been reading my emails all week about it, and you have some concerns, doubts or questions about whether it will work for you, we’ll be there to answer any questions you have.
Again the call is tomorrow night (Monday) at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.
All you gotta do is register on Zoom at the link below to save yourself a spot.
-> Corrections call w/ Justin, Ning and Alec
Hope to see ya on the call…
– Justin