After every launch or affiliate promo I do, I like to share the big lessons I learned from the launch with you.
That you can swipe the lessons I learned and use them to make some dough in your own business (or in your client’s business).
So with that said…
Let’s look at the stats for the affiliate promo I did for Brent Charleton’s “Corrections Course” that ended last night.
Overall, I did 96 sales of the course.
This 96 sales is a combination of full-pays and payment plans.
There were also 10 people who upgraded to the extra coaching Brent was offering.
So when you add all that up (and factor in typical churn rates and refunds), I should make around $40k-$45k off the promo when all is said and done.
Which is damn good.
I normally make like $20k-$30k on affiliate promos.
And this one will do around $40k-$45k.
So I’m very happy with that.
PLUS Brent’s work has been life changing for me, so the fact that 96 more people get to experience it, is awesome.
Now in regards to the lessons learned on the launch…
There were a few big ones for me.
Starting with…
1. Figuring out the positioning of Brent’s offer was the hardest part
David Ogilvy used to say the most important part of making sales is how you position the product.
For some products the positioning is obvious (like a golf training aid that helps you stop slicing)…
However with Brent’s correction method, you can literally use the method to remove the mental blocks you have around anything…
So that could be dating, being overweight, making money, uncomfortableness around sex, starting a business, being on your phone too much, writer’s block etc…
It goes on and on.
So narrowing that down to the most appealing (and the best) positioning was not easy.
Obviously we positioned this launch solely for business people.
But even with business people I noticed certain angles connected a lot more…
For example…
My original intent was to put the focus on making more money, and charging more for your products & services.
That seemed like the best angle to me.
However as I wrote my emails, I realized that a lot of sales were coming in when I talked about writer’s block and procrastination.
So what did I do?
I made sure to talk about writer’s block and procrastination more often.
I wrote multiple emails on the topic.
And made sure it was addressed in every email I sent out.
This is key when promoting something.
Your market is always giving you feedback and telling you what is resonating with them (and what is not) based on the emails that push them to buy.
So if you’re promoting something to a list…
Pay close attention to what angles and problems are hitting home with your list (and do more of these).
So that’s the first big lesson I had from the launch…
Let’s hop to the second lesson…
2. I tracked each email I sent with a SUBID and the results were not what I expected
Confession time – with my current list, I have never tracked individual emails with a SUBID to see how they perform.
Usually I just write an email on Monday, and if the sales on Monday are good, then I conclude that Monday’s email resonated with people on my list.
However after tracking most of the emails in this launch with a SUBID I realized it’s not as cut-and-dry as that.
For example…
The email I sent out on Saturday morning about “what’s underneath your AI fears” I thought was doing well.
Because a good amount of sales came in right after I had sent that email out.
However when I looked at the SUBID’s of those buyers, almost all of them were spillover from emails I had sent on Friday.
So the Saturday email about AI, actually did not do well at all.
And had I not been tracking with SUBIDs, I probably would have made the mistake of writing more emails on the topic of AI thinking it was resonating with my list.
So the big lesson here was simple…
Track every email you send with a SUBID.
You’ll get valuable data for what’s resonating with your list (and what’s not).
And you can use that data to do MORE of what’s working well (i.e. if an email about writer’s block does well, then you can do more emails on writer’s block, or even a Zoom call on the topic).
So those are two of the big lessons I had from the launch.
I have a few more to share with you…
But I’ll save those for tomorrow.
BTW if you picked up Brent’s course, I will be sending you an email today or tomorrow with details on the private mastermind you’re invited to in Austin.
So be on the lookout for that.
Enjoy your Wednesday,
– Justin