very Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random thoughts that are on my mind.
Sometimes these thoughts are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just truly random.
Well today I only have one thought for you.
But I think it will be helpful (especially if you’re already a successful copywriter or offer owner).
So let’s dive into the one thought on my mind this morning…
The more successful you get, the harder it is to relate to the problems your buyer has.
I’m visiting my sister this weekend, and seeing how she lives is a good reminder that my day-to-day life is NOT how most people live.
For example…
My sister lives a pretty typical middle-class life in South Carolina. She works as a speech therapist. And her husband has an HR job with the government.
I’d guess they make like $80k a year together.
And because they live in a somewhat expensive city, they’re always making decisions based on what they can and can not afford.
Like when we went to TopGolf the other night, we ended up going at 4 PM instead of 7 PM cause it’s a lot cheaper if you go at 4 PM.
Or when we discussed meeting up at my parents house this summer in Ohio, my sister said they would probably drive instead of fly cause they’ll be able to save money driving.
She has to make decisions like this everyday to make their budget work.
I also used to have to make decisions like this back in the day when I was a freelancer who was barely scraping by.
But in the last few years, I really haven’t had to make decisions like this.
So it would never occur to me to go to TopGolf at a different time to save money…
Or to drive 12 hours somewhere instead of flying to save a few hundred bucks…
That stuff doesn’t cross my mind.
Which is obviously a nice spot for me to be in financially.
I’m not complaining about it.
The success I’ve had does pull me further away from the problems that the people I sell to deal with every single day.
And I can tell you this same thing happens in pretty much every niche…
If you used to be 60 lbs overweight, and now you’re in shape, you’re not as in touch with the struggles of the overweight people on your list…
If you used to be a loser who couldn’t get a date to save his life, and now you have hoardes of women in your life, you’re not gonna be as in touch with the guy who’s scared shitless to say “hi” to a woman.
If you used to shoot a 105 in a typical round of golf, but now you’re consistently shooting in the 70’s, your problems on the course will be very different from the golfers you sell to.
So again, the more successful you get…
The more removed you will be from the problems that the people in your market are dealing with.
So you need to be aware of this.
You don’t want to fall into the trap of thinking that your problems are the same as their problems.
Cause they’re not.
They’re different.
And in order to empathize with them…
And ultimately sell to them…
You need to be in touch with THEIR problems.
That’s a million dollar lesson right there if you apply it.
So I hope you take it to heart.
That’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Sunday…
– Justin