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One of the easiest ways to make your copy convert a hell of a lot better is to actually talk to the people who buy your stuff.

For example…

Back when I wrote a lot of survival copy, I always made sure to stop and talk to my neighbor anytime I saw him outside. 


Cause everytime this guy opened his garage, it was overflowing with buckets of survival food, gallons of water and boxes of ammo.

So he was my ideal prospect.

And whenever he was out doing yard work…

Or working on his car…

I’d pop over and “shoot the shit” with him for 15 minutes.

And those little 15 minute conversations we had ended up making me a lot of money in the long run.

I’ll give you an example…

When I first started writing survival copy, I used a lot of “logical” reasons in my copy for owning survival food.

Things like winter storms…

Or tornadoes…

To me that seemed like a good reason for having survival food on hand.

But for my neighbor, that didn’t even cross his mind.


Cause his reason for being prepared was much more emotional. 

It was Barack Obama.

He basically thought Obama was the devil.

And that Obama had this grand, sinister plan to crumble the United States and bring it to it’s knees.

So as a result of this…

He thought there was going to be food shortages…

And water issues…

Which is why his garage was chocked full of food, water and ammo.

So once I learned this…

Being the smart copywriter that I was, I started testing some of my neighbor’s ideas in ads and emails. 

I moved away from the “logical” reasons I previously used for owning survival food.

And I put more focus on the fear and frustration that the buyers had with Obama and the rest of his administration. 

And guess what?

The new copy was a homerun. 

It blew the old copy out of the water in terms of conversions. 

And none of this came from a new technique…

Or a new ad style…

It all came from me having a simple conversation with someone who buys survival food. 

That was it.

So the big lesson here is simple…

If you want your copy (or your offers) to convert better, take some time and actually talk to your buyers.

Get to know them…

Get to understand what their day is like…

And what they’re worried about…

I promise you’ll learn more doing this than you will reading another book on copywriting.

Cause in the end, knowing your buyer better than everyone else, is the ultimate advantage. 

Keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Tuesday.

– Justin

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