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Let’s play a little game…

Your job is to determine which of these headlines below were written by an A-list copywriter, and which ones were written by ChatGPT.

Here they are…


 Harvard Study Finds Little Known “Testosterone Killer” Lurking In Your Favorite Gym Shorts


Yale Scientists Discover Solution to Sexual Problems Hidden in 1,500-Year-Old Himalayan Secret


How an Embarrassing Bedroom Mishap Led John to Discover a 2,000-Year-Old Indian Herb That Skyrocketed His Testosterone Levels, Reignited His Energy and Made Him Feel 10 Years Younger


How You Can Get The Same Benefits As $1200 Testosterone Replacement Therapy For Just .39 Cents A Day


Did you go through each one?

Can you tell which ones were written by ChatGPT and which ones were written by an A-list copywriter?

I’m not gonna hold out on ya any longer.

Here’s the answers…

NONE of these headlines were written by an A-list copywriter.

All four of them were written by ChatGPT!


That’s how good ChatGPT can be when you feed it the RIGHT prompts.

It can spit out A-level copy…

And give you headlines that would take most writers days or weeks to come up with. 

For these headlines, all I did was input the “perfect headline” prompt from Stefan Georgi’s new AI training…

ChatGPT did a little thinking…

And then it spit all of these out for me.

Which is pretty impressive.

I did not expect AI to be this good this quickly.

But it is.

And the secret to getting it to give you killer headlines like this is all about the prompts you feed it.

If you feed it mediocre prompts, you’ll get mediocre results back.

But if you give it the RIGHT prompts…

The copy you get back will put you ahead of 99% of copywriters out there.

Obviously you can play around with ChatGPT and try to figure these prompts out yourself.


You can take the shortcut like I did and use the “perfect headline” prompt that Stefan Georgi and Mario Castelli have dialed-in after eight months of testing.

That’s the exact prompt I used.

And in less than 10 minutes, it spit out four A-list level headlines for me to use.


If you want to get your hands on this “perfect headline” prompt…

All you have to do is pick up the new Ultimate AI Copywriter bundle I’ve been telling you about…

In this bundle you’re getting access to 3 exclusive AI copy trainings that Stefan Georgi recently put out called…

– The AI Copy Chief (this shows you how to transform average headlines, leads, closes and body copy into A-list copy with some of Stefan’s secret AI prompts)

– 30X Copywriter (this shows you how to use AI to write short form copy such as emails, FB ads, Youtube ads and advertorials as well)

– The 6 Hour AI Salesletter (exactly as it sounds, this one shows you how to write a winning sales letter from start to finish in just 6-hours)

When Stefan originally held these trainings, each one was sold seperately, and if you bought all three it would have cost you $2,991.  

Which would have been worth every penny in my book (cause they’re that good).


After I went through the trainings myself…

I told Stefan to whip-up a special 4th of July deal for my list so that you could get access to all three of the trainings for a much lower price than the $2991 that others paid. 

So that’s exactly what Stefan did.

Right now, you can get a bundle of all three of Stefan’s AI copy trainings (The AI Copy Chief, 30x Copywriter and The 6 Hour AI Salesletter) that were originally sold for $2991…

For just $997.

That’s over 60% off the regular price.

But here’s the best part…

You DON’T have to pony up $997 today.

Cause Stefan put together a sweet payment plan where you can pay just $97 today (and then you pay an additional three payments of $297 in the coming months).

This way it’s easier on your cash flow.

And you can hop right into the trainings today for just $97 upfront.

So it’s a hell of a deal.

Again, it’s just $97 today…

And then three future payments of $297 for the whole AI copy bundle.

I highly recommend snagging a copy of this…

Cause Stefan has already done all the work…

And he gives you all the prompts you need to do indepth customer research, to write winning sales pages and ads, to craft killer headlines, and to create high-converting emails…

So if that piques your interest…

You can get all the details on the special 4th of July sale, and grab your copy of the Ultimate AI Copywriting bundle right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.