Back in 2010 when I built my first email list in the fitness space, I did it without anyone knowing who I was.
I didn’t know any big affiliates…
Or have any connections at Clickbank…
I was simply a middling freelance copywriter who was scraping by on $3500 a month.
However despite no one knowing who I was…
I was still able to build a highly profitable 38,000 person fitness list.
What’s even crazier is that I essentially built this list for free.
Cause everytime I spent a dollar on ads…
I was getting back $1.40.
So I didn’t lose any money building the list.
And once the list started growing…
I wound up making $210,000 in profit from it that year.
Which was life changing money to me back then.
Before that, I was living in a tiny, dimly lit basement apartment that felt like you were in a dungeon.
I had four roommates…
And most of my meals were nothing but rice, beans and whatever meat I could find at Aldi that was about to expire.
So I wasn’t exactly living the high life…
But once I got my offer going…
And my list growing…
Things started to turn around.
I was able to move out of my dungeon apartment and into a nice three bedroom house close to downtown…
I finally had a yard my dogs could play in…
And I even had enough money to treat myself to Chipotle a few times a week (with extra guac).
So it was a complete 180 from where I was before.
I was no longer worried about where my next client was gonna come from…
Or how I was gonna pay next month’s rent…
I finally had some security…
And it was all because I got my offer working…
And I started growing my list…
That’s what changed things.
That’s what took me from 40k a year to 210k a year (and beyond)…
Now maybe my story is inspiring to you…
And you’d like to do the same…
If so…
Then I want to help you.
Here’s the deal…
Next Wednesday, Ning Li and myself are going to host a LIVE training where we show you how to build a massive email list with something I call a “pocket change” offer.
A pocket change offer is simply a low-priced offer that people can buy with change folded up in their pocket.
They usually cost between $3 and $10…
And these offers are perfect for QUICKLY building yourself a big email list full of buyers.
Which is why you see so many 8-figure businesses like Paleohacks, Survival Life and Healthy Back Institute using them…
They all use “pocket change” offers to build their lists.
So on this training, Ning and I are gonna show you how to do the same (even if you’re not well known and even if this is your first offer)…
Specifically we’re gonna teach you…
– how to put 1000, 10,000 or even 100,000 new buyers on your email list without it costing you a dime
– why a Pocket Change Offer is the perfect offer to build a list with if you’re NOT well known or you’re NOT an expert
– how to know if your Pocket Change Offer will be a winner BEFORE you even create the product (Ning has written 14 winning offers in a row using this formula)
– the 2 most important parts of a winning Pocket Change Offer (get these 2 things right and you’ll put hundreds of new buyers on your list each day, get it wrong and your offer will be a dud)
– how to make sure your Pocket Change Offer breaks even on cold traffic so you don’t have to pay for traffic
– the exact price you should sell your Pocket Change Offer for if you want to maximize your sales (the price will vary depending on your niche, but we’ll show you the best price for your offer based on the niche you choose)
– the 2 best traffic sources that we’ve used to sell Pocket Change Offers (we’ll show you winning examples of ads for both of these traffic sources)
– PLUS…we’ll also share real-world examples of Pocket Change Offers that are running right now in dozens of niches like dating, business, copywriting, survival, gardening, politics, cooking, food products, supplements and more…
So that’s what the training is all about.
Ning and I put a ton of effort into this training…
And I think it will be helpful for you if…
– You already have your own email list and you’d like to quickly grow that list (for free)
– You don’t have a list, but you’d like to build one WITHOUT spending a bunch of money to do it
– You want to help your clients build their list faster so they turn around and pay you more
If any of those sound like you…
Then this training will be right up your alley.
So if that appeals to you…
Then I suggest you join Ning and I on this training next Wednesday, July 26th at noon ET/9 AM PT.
Plan on the training lasting about 2 hours…
If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away for any reason, you will get all the recordings, and a transcription of the call so you can watch it or read it whenever you’d like.
So that’s the deal…
If you’re wondering about the price of the training…
Many of the online trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past have cost as much as $1500.
But this one won’t cost you $1500.
In fact, it won’t even cost you $500…
If you sign-up today, the price for the training is just $197.
You can also split it into two payments of $99 if that’s easier on your cash flow.
Either way, it’s a hell of a deal.
Especially if you’re serious about building a massive email list…
So if that interests you…
I suggest you snag a spot on the training.
Again, it will take place on Wednesday, July 26th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.
It will be recorded.
So if you can’t make it, or if you can’t be there for the whole thing, you’ll get the recordings and the transcription sent to you the day after the training.
I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this training.
So if you want to be a part of it, and you want to learn how to build a massive email list for free using “pocket change” offers…
Then just head over to the checkout page and get signed up.
You can grab your spot right here.
– Justin