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I will always be a huge believer in having your own email list.

That’s how I’ve made most of my money…

I had a 38,000 person list with my first fitness business…

I had a 290,000 person list with my supplement company…

And I have a roughly 12,000 person list today in the copy & marketing space…

So in every business I’ve had, I’ve had a list.

And that’s where I’ve made most of my money.

So I’m a big fan of building a list…


I’m also a realist.

And I know that not everyone wants to go through the hassle of building an email list.


Cause it takes time…

And effort…

And money…

It’s not something where you simply push a button and you have a 10,000 person list in the morning.

That ain’t the way it works…

Which is why I got really excited when my buddy Jordan Hall mentioned to me that he’s been able to make big money from an email list WITHOUT actually owning the list himself. 

In fact he’s gotten paydays of $70k, $130k and even $400k from doing this.

What he’s doing is something I call being an “email excavator”.

Which means he basically goes into someone else’s list, and he “digs up” the hidden money in that list.

And then he gets a nice cut of the money he digs up.

Usually it’s 25-40%…

So if he “digs up” $200k, he might walk away with $60k for himself…

And if he “digs up” $500k, he might get $150k…

So it’s super lucrative…

And the best part is that all he’s doing is writing a couple emails to the list to do this. 

There’s no sales calls, no webinars, no funnels…

None of that.

It’s all through email.

And he’s been able to score some nice 5 and 6-figure paydays without actually owning the list himself. 

Now, maybe doing something like what Jordan is doing appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Then I suggest you join me on a private call I’m hosting this Thursday with Jordan, Ron Lynch and Marcus Anderson.

On that call, we’re gonna share with you exactly how this process works…

And how you can get big paydays “digging up” the hidden money in OTHER people’s email lists.

As of this morning, we already have 410 people signed up for the call…

In my opinion this call will be perfect for you if you’re a copywriter or marketer who wants to make money from an email list without having to actually build a list yourself…

The call kicks off tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.

So if you want to attend, make sure you sign-up and snag your spot while you still can.

Here’s the link to do that…

-> How to make big profits from a list without actually owning a list yourself

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.