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One of the most fascinating things I’ve seen recently is the number of people who watch the copywriting space like it’s a soap opera.

For example…

There’s a guy I met at T&C a few years back who can tell you all the drama that’s going on between certain gurus…

He knows who hates who…

He knows which business owners have beef with which copywriters…

He knows which gurus owe people money…

And even which ones marriages are falling apart…

He’s like the TMZ of the marketing world.

And when he’s at an event, people are always listening to the juicy drama he’s spilling.

But here’s the thing…

I’ve known this guy for a few years…

And the truth is, he’s pretty much broke.

He scrapes by month to month just hoping to make it to the next month.

He doesn’t have clients beating down his door to work with him…

Or a thriving business that’s spitting out cash.

He doesn’t have any of that stuff.


Cause when you boil it down…

He’s not a “doer”…

He’s a spectator.

And he’s more interested in what other people are doing than building something of his own.

Which is something I see a lot…

A lot of people in this business are spectators…

So they read everything in the Facebook groups…

And they watch tons of Youtube videos…

But at the end of the day, they don’t actually DO anything…

Well guess where that’s gonna get you?


There’s never any glory for the spectators.

You have to be a doer. 

You have to be “in the arena” doing the work…

That’s where the results come from.

So my advice?

Stop being a spectator.

Stop caring about what everyone else is doing.

And start building something of your own (a business, a skill set etc…)

If you want real, tangible results, it’s all about being a “doer”.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.