One of the biggest mistakes I see intermediate and advanced copywriters making is that they unintentionally put a ceiling on their income.
For example…
There’s one copywriter I know who makes around $18k a month give or take.
Which is nothing to sneeze at…
That’s $216k a year.
So the guy’s making good money…
But here’s the thing…
He once confessed to me that while he was getting paid $18k a month…
He was making his client around $600k in profit every month!
Think about that.
$600k in profit every month comes out to 7.2 million dollars a year…
That’s a lot of dough.
So while his client was probably doing the backstroke in his piles of cash…
He was only making $18k a month.
Does that sound like a good deal?
But here’s the thing…
The problem wasn’t this guy’s copy skills…
Or his ability to produce results…
It was the crumby, flat-fee deal he was on.
The reality is that he was killing it for this client, and making him millions of dollars in profit.
But his pay didn’t reflect that.
In my experience this is a big, big problem for intermediate and advanced copywriters.
Once you’re at that level, it’s less about your copy skills…
And more about setting up better deals for yourself…
Deals that give you unlimited upside…
And that give you a % of the sales you’re driving…
That’s how you significantly boost your income…
And how you go from $8k a month…
To $30k a month…
Or $60k a month…
It’s all about making better deals and getting a % of the sales you create.
Now maybe you’re a copywriter and getting a % of the sales like this appeals to you…
Maybe it doesnt…
But if it does…
Then I suggest you join the LIVE training Jordan Hall and I are doing on Zoom this Thursday at 11 AM ET.
On the training, Jordan is going to reveal how he’s been able to get paid $41k, $81k and even $130k by getting a % of the sales he creates for his clients.
For example…
He recently helped a client in the weight loss niche bring in an extra $210k in sales from their email list, so Jordan was paid 40% of this (which means he got paid $81,000)…
He also helped a client in the copywriting niche to bring in an extra $135k in sales from his list. Jordan and the list owner agreed to a deal where he’d get 30% of the sales, so he walked away with a nice $41,000 payday.
So as you can see, he’s not settling for flat fees.
He’s getting paid a % of the profit he creates.
And this is all possible because he’s going into his client’s email lists…
And digging up NEW profits for them.
He’s not simply delivering copy to them…
Or writing a sales page…
He’s delivering NEW profits (profits they wouldn’t have without him)…
And he’s getting a % of the profits kicked back to him for his help.
So that’s what the training is about…
And if that piques your interest…
I suggest you join us this Thursday, September 21st at 11 AM ET on Zoom.
Plan on the call lasting about two hours…
The entire training will be recorded.
So if you can’t make it, or you need to step away, you’ll have the recording to keep forever.
So that’s the deal…
Now in terms of the price…
Jordan currently charges $15,000 a year to be in his mastermind where he teaches this process to his students.
And at $15k, I’ve heard from multiple people that the mastermind is worth every penny.
But luckily for you…
This training isn’t gonna cost $15,000.
When you sign-up today, you can join Jordan and I on the live training for just $197.
You can also split that into two payments of $99 if that’s easier on your cash flow.
So if that floats your boat…
And you want to learn how to get a % of the sales you create by “diggin up” the hidden profits in someone else’s email list…
Then I suggest you get signed up for the training while you still can right here
– Justin