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A thought that’s been on my mind today is that the more “energy” you feel when promoting an offer, the better that offer will do.

For example…

When I’m excited to promote something, everything just feels easy.

The angles are easy to come up with…

The stories just flow out of me…

And when I sit down to write, I’m genuinely excited about what I’m writing about.

This happened when I promoted my list building offer back in January…

It happened when I promoted my “Justin Style Emails” training…

It happened when I promoted Brent Charleton’s mindset course in April…

Each one of these promos did great…

And made me a bunch of moolah…


Well obviously they were all good offers that appealed to my list…

But on a deeper level…

These were all offers that excited me.

They gave me energy…

And I couldn’t wait to write emails about them.

Now, obviously not every offer can be like this…

Some offers just aren’t as exciting as others (even if they perform well).

But I think this “energy” is something to strive for when you promote an offer.

Promoting something that doesn’t align with you, or doesn’t excite you, isn’t the way to go.

You’re better off focusing on the offers that light you up.

Cause the truth is…

You’ll feel the difference…

And so will the people on your list…

And that’s a win-win for everyone.

Enjoy your Sunday…

– Justin

(no pic today as I’m flying home)

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.