Many many years ago I met a copywriter named Caleb Lee who told me about an obscure email list he was building…
“I teach people how to build “ghost guns” that the government can’t trace”.
I looked at him puzzled….
“That’s a niche?” I replied.
Having written a lot of copy in the conservative niche, I knew the gun niche was big (and very passionate)…
But Caleb wasn’t doing general “gun niche” stuff.
He was targeting a tiny subset of people in the gun niche who wanted to build their own guns without the government knowing they owned them.
So while there was a market for it…
I personally thought Caleb was wasting his time in a niche that’s too small.
Turns out, I was completely wrong about this.
Cause eventually Caleb told me how big his list was…
And despite being in a tiny, obscure niche…
He had over 190,000 people on his list!
I couldn’t believe it.
But what’s even crazier is that his list was mostly buyers!
He had 190,000 people who pulled out their credit card and bought one of his “how to build a gun” offers.
Pretty crazy, huh?
And what’s more…that 190,000 person list has been extremely valuable to Caleb over the years.
Cause he’s been able to sell his list all kinds of backend offers like ammo deals, collectible coins, and even in-person self defense training.
So despite being in a relatively obscure niche…
He’s been able to build a healthy 7-figure business that provides a great life for him and his family.
Pretty cool story if you ask me…
And the reason I’m telling you this…
Is because Caleb was able to build his entire 190,000 person email list because he utilized something I call a “pocket change” offer.
A pocket change offer is simply a low-priced offer that people can buy with the money that’s folded up in their pocket.
It’s how Caleb built his 190k list in the ghost gun niche…
It’s how Mike Geary built his 1.1 million person list in the cooking space…
It’s how Matt Artisan is building a massive list in the men’s dating space…
They’re all using “pocket change” offers.
Well there’s a few reasons…
1. A pocket change offer is low-priced so it’s an easy way to QUICKLY put hundreds of buyers on your list each day
2. A pocket change offer also doesn’t require A-list level copy like you need with a $49 or $97 offer (you can write average copy on a pocket change offer and still make a lot of sales)
So there’s lots of upside to these offers…
Which is why you see a bunch of successful people using them to build their lists.
If building a massive email list like this interests you…
And you want to build that list without going “in the hole” and spending a bunch of money…
Then I want to help you…
Here’s the deal…
Back in July, I hosted a live training with A-list copywriter Ning Li on how to build a massive email list with low-priced “pocket change” offers.
If you’re not familiar with Ning, he’s responsible for adding over 510,000 new buyers to the PaleoHacks email list.
That’s a lot of buyers…
So Ning knows a thing or two about building a big email list with low-priced offers.
And in the training we put together, we show you…- how to put 1000, 10,000 or even 100,000 new buyers on your email list without it costing you a dime
– why a Pocket Change Offer is the perfect offer to build a list with if you’re NOT well known or you’re NOT an expert
– how to know if your Pocket Change Offer will be a winner BEFORE you even create the product (Ning has written 14 winning offers in a row using this formula)
– the 2 most important parts of a winning Pocket Change Offer (get these 2 things right and you’ll put hundreds of new buyers on your list each day, get it wrong and your offer will be a dud)
– the exact price you should sell your Pocket Change Offer for if you want to maximize your sales (the price will vary depending on your niche, but we’ll show you the best price for your offer based on the niche you choose)
– the 2 best traffic sources that Mike Geary swears by to sell his Pocket Change Offers (we’ll show you examples of winning ads and copy for both of these traffic sources)
– PLUS…real-world examples of Pocket Change Offers that are running right now in dozens of niches like dating, business, copywriting, survival, gardening, politics, cooking, food products, supplements and more…
So that’s what the training is all about.
Ning and I put a ton of effort into this training…
And I think it will be insanely helpful for you if…
– You already have your own email list and you’d like to quickly grow that list (for free)
– You don’t have a list, but you’d like to build one WITHOUT spending a bunch of money to do it
– You want to help your clients build their list faster so they pay you more
If any of those sound like you…
Then this training will be right up your alley.
So if that appeals to you…
Then I suggest you snag a copy of the recordings of the training while it’s available this week.
I’m only re-opening this offer until Sunday (so you only have two more days to pick it up)…
But when you pick up a copy, you’ll get the full video recording, a PDF of the slides and a PDF of the transcription from the training.
So that’s the deal…
If you’re wondering about the price…
Many of the online trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past have cost as much as $1500.
But this one won’t cost you $1500.
In fact, it won’t even cost you $500…
If you grab a copy today, the price for the pocket change offer training is just $197.
You can also split that into two payments of $99 if that’s easier on your cash flow.
Either way, it’s a hell of a deal.
Especially if you’re serious about building a massive email list (in any niche)…
So if that interests you…
I suggest you snag a copy while you can.
Again, this will only be open for the next 2 days (I’ll be closing it on Sunday night).
But once you buy, you’ll get the recordings and the PDF’s to keep forever.
So if you want to learn how to build a massive email list for free using low-priced, “pocket change” offers…
Just head over to the checkout page, and snag your copy of the training right here.
– Justin