Funny story for ya…
There’s a guy I went to high school with in 2002 who still keeps tabs on how much money I make because he wants to be known as the guy from our high school who made the most money (and he sees me as his main competition).
This is a real thing that he does…
Which is completely insane.
But he does it.
I don’t personally talk to the guy (we were never friends in high school)…
But we do have mutual friends…
So at least once a year, someone will tell me “Andy was asking about you again”.
Usually it’s pretty harmless stuff with him checking in to see how my business is doing…
But recently he found out that I sold my coaching program last summer…
Which was the second business I’ve sold…
And apparently this got him all riled up…
Cause upon hearing that news…
He blurted out “that dude gets so f’in lucky it’s unbelievable”.
Oh boy…
I just had to laugh at this.
Cause the idea that I’ve been making a living as an entrepreneur for 20 years because of luck is hilarious to me.
You don’t build 4 multi-million dollar businesses because of luck…
You don’t do 40+ million in sales because of luck…
You don’t sell 2 businesses because of luck…
None of that is luck.
Getting lucky is winning the lottery…
Or having a rich Uncle that leaves you $20 million…
I didn’t have any of that.
What I did have is a ton ups and downs…
A lot of people doubting me…
And a lonely road to get where I am.
That’s the reality.
But most people don’t see that.
They think I just got lucky.
But here’s the thing…
If you want to be successful…
You have to understand it’s not about luck.
It’s about building skills…
And it’s about doing the work day-in and day-out (even when things are looking grim).
That’s how you get good at copy…
And that’s how you build a successful business…
Luck has very little to do with it.
So if you harbor any ill-will towards other people cause you think they “got lucky”…
I’d suggest shifting that mindset.
Cause it’s not serving you…
It’s only holding you back from realizing that you’re the one who’s in the driver’s seat when it comes to your success.
– Justin