Over the next few days I’m gonna lay out some advice for getting damn good at copy in 2024.
This advice is based on what I’ve learned while training hundreds of copywriters over the last few years…
Many of these copywriters went from complete newbs to making $5k, $7k or $10k a month…
While others were able to jump from writing copy part-time to making a full-time living with it.
So what I’m going to teach you works…
You just have to follow the principles…
And put ’em into play.
So with that said…
Let’s hop into the first principle of getting damn good at copy in 2024…
And that principle is “momentum”.
If you want to get damn good at copy in 2024, you need to start fast and get momentum on your side.
Cause without momentum, you won’t keep at it.
I’ve seen it a million times.
You’ll get distracted by some other opportunity…
Or you’ll lose interest…
Or life will get in the way…
One way or another, something will come up, and it’ll be easy to forget about your goal of getting good at copy.
If you have momentum…
And you start the year off strong…
And you see yourself making progress…
Then it’s a hell of a lot easier to keep going.
Cause why would you want to quit when things are going well?
It’s like if you set a goal of losing 20 lbs this year, and in the first two weeks of January you get off to a blazing start dropping 7 lbs…
Do you think losing those 7 lbs is gonna make you want to keep going?
Of course it will.
Cause you’re seeing results.
And you got momentum on your side.
Point being…
If you want to get damn good at copy in 2024…
You need to start the year strong…
That way you’ll get some quick wins…
And you’ll have momentum on your side (instead of working against you like most people).
So keep that in mind.
– Justin
P.S. – if you’re serious about going from newbie to a damn good copywriter in 2024…
Then keep your eyes glued to my emails over the next few days.
Cause on January 1st I’m gonna invite you to join a special copywriting program that launched the careers of some of the best copywriters in the game today including Dan Ferrari, Ning Li and Ian Stanley.
That program is opening it’s doors to a new cohort of newbie copywriters on January 1st.
So if you want to be a part of that group…
Stay tuned to my emails for more info…