A new reader on my list sent me an angsty email last night about how my copy is “nothing special”…
I’ve been on your list for a week now, and I’m struggling to understand how people consider you a good copywriter.
Every email is basic, kindergarten level wording and there’s nothing special about it.
What am I missing?
You know what?
I actually agree with him!
There is nothing special about my copy.
I’m not a wizard of words like Gary Bencivenga…
Or a master of emotion like Chris Haddad.
Those guys are the cream of the crop.
And I wish I could write like them.
But I can’t.
So what do I do instead?
I write like me.
My writing is what I’d call “common man” copy…
Most of my sentences are short…
And easy-to-understand.
I don’t use big words.
I simply write how I talk.
And people seem to like that.
What’s funny is that if you look at a piece of copy I wrote five years ago…
You’ll notice that I haven’t added anything to my writing.
I’ve actually taken away from it.
My writing today is punchier…
And simpler.
This is because I’ve found that the simpler my writing is, the more money I make.
So I’m always trying to simplify my writing.
Which is why I take it as a compliment when someone says I have “kindergarten level” writing.
That’s what I want.
In fact I’d be horrifed if he said “this sounds like a college essay”.
Cause I ain’t going for that.
I’m going for simple.
That’s a good lesson.
And one to keep in mind when you write.
Simple works.
And simple is what sells.
So keep your writing simple.
– Justin