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I’m all about having a business that’s “simple” these days.


Cause I’ve already done it the other way.

From 2014-2017, I had a $20 million dollar supplement company with 40+ employees…

From 2019-2022 I had a $4 million dollar coaching program with hundreds of members…

Those businesses were not simple.

They required a lot of planning…

They required hiring and managing employees…

And they even required me to front a good chunk of the money (i.e. for putting on events, or buying a bunch of supplements in bulk)

So while those businesses did well…

They were also a lot of work…

And a lot of stress…

That’s why these days I’m all about simple.

That’s why I simply focus on building my email list…

And sending emails to my list.

That’s all I do.

And by doing that I’m usually able to pull in around $60k-$80k a month…

Which is good money…

And more than enough for my lifestyle…

I don’t have grand dreams of making a hundred million bucks like Hormozi…

Or being a billionaire like Grant Cardone…

That ain’t for me.

My goal is to simply make good money doing something I love (writing)…

And do it for 2-3 hours a day…

That way I have a bunch of free time to go to the gym, be out in nature and walk dogs at the rescue by my house…

That’s a good day to me.

And it’s one that I look forward to each morning.

But here’s the thing…

That kind of life can only happen if I keep things simple.

And I believe the best way to do that…

Is by focusing on building an email list.

An email list is the ultimate leverage point…

Cause you can write one email, and make sales to hundreds (or thousands) of people…

So there’s a lot of leverage in it…

Maybe that appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Keep your eyes peeled for some emails from me over the next few days that’ll be all about building an email list.

I got some good stuff to share with ya…

And I think you’re gonna dig it.

So stay tuned…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.