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There’s a guy I’ve seen in a few Facebook groups over the years who despite all of his marketing knowledge…has never made any money online.

Not a single dime.

I’ve seen this guy in the Cult of Copy…

In the Halbert Facebook group…

Prolly in numerous other ones as well.

And to his credit, he’s always active in these groups asking questions about copy…

Or about marketing campaigns.

A few months ago I even saw him asking some pretty in-depth questions about ad sets with Adwords.

Yet, despite all this knowledge he has…

He’s still never made a dime online.


Because he’s never actually tried to!

He’s never actually created an offer and put it out there.

Or written copy for a client and gotten paid.

He’s still stuck in the “I gotta learn more” phase.

Which is a bad place to be.

And it’s a place I’m quite familiar with. 

Cause when I started doing this stuff back in 2005, I was the same way.

I’d say stuff like…

“I’ll start after I read Think And Grow Rich, so my mind is right”

Or “I’ll read these forums for a few months, then I’ll start after that”.

I thought that by doing this I’d be better prepared to be an entrepreneur.

But I wasn’t.

I already had enough knowledge to get started.

So I was simply procrastinating.

Reading books and forums was an easy way to make myself THINK I was being productive.

It made me feel like I was on the right path.

But really all I was doing was avoiding what I really needed to do.

And that was to actually launch something.

Get it out there…

And see how it does.

I was avoiding that because I didn’t want to fail.

But here’s the truth…

You’ll learn 10x more by trying something and failing then you ever will by reading a book.

Even if you put out the crappiest offer in Clickfunnels history…

And lose $50 running ads to it…

You will walk away from that experience having learned a LOT.

And that knowledge will help you to either fix that offer…

Or to create a new one that’s a lot better.

That’s the power of simply getting started.

So if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines…

And accumulating a lot of knowledge…

Hopefully this is the message you needed to hear.

Get started now.

Even if it’s imperfect…

And even if it turns out to be a total flop.

Get started now.

That’s all I got for ya today…

Enjoy your Friday.

– Justin

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