Last year I made a real effort to be on a bunch of podcasts, which brought me a whole new audience that I didn’t have before.
So I’m looking to do a few more podcasts in 2020 (especially now that I have some extra time in lockdown)
If you have a podcast, I may be interested in coming on and entertaining your listeners.
Specifically, if you want to have a conversation about something I’m really passionate about then I’d LOVE to do it.
That would include things like…
– Me sharing my advice with young entrepreneurs/copywriters (talking about mistakes I’ve made, and what I’d do if I was starting over today)
– Making offers convert on cold traffic
– My story of how I went from being a month away from dead broke to being a multi-millionaire in 7 years.
– Marketing during Corona crisis – what’s working, and what you can do to make more dough
– How I help dog rescues with their fundraising using online marketing principles
– Sharing war stories of some of my biggest failures (I’ll share some of the BIG winners as well)
– The deep emotional reasons that persuade people to buy stuff (i.e. indepth copywriting)
– Anything to do with money/investing as an entrepreneur
– The emotional ups and downs of being an entrepreneur
– How to figure out the best email marketing strategy for your business (there’s 3 different ways to do it, and only one is best for your business)
I’m sure there’s more I could talk about…
But those stick out to me.
So here’s the deal.
If you have a podcast, and you’d like to have me on, simply reply to this email and let me know.
Tell me a little bit about your podcast.
Note – Im not interested in doing teeny tiny podcasts with like 10 listeners.
You need to have a decent following for this to be worth it for me.
If that sounds like you, then simply reply to this and tell me a little bit about your podcast.
– Justin
P.S. – if you don’t have a podcast, but you have an email list, or a Facebook following that’s focused on marketing, I’m up for doing a video with you that we can record and share with your followers as well.