With a lot of uncertainty right now, my gut says it’s best to use this time to figure out what your “one thing” is going to be that will make you succussful.
Here’s what I mean…
When I was running Patriot Health Alliance back in the day we got REALLY good at email drops.
To the point that we grew that company from $1 million a year to $23 million a year solely on the back of email drops.
No Facebook…
No Native…
80% of our new buyers came from cold email drops.
I was damn good at email.
So I knew exactly what subject lines would work…
What style of email converted best…
And all the other little tricks that got us big ROI’S.
I mastered cold email drops.
And if you look around you can see other “big players” doing the same thing.
They are really good at ONE thing.
Sam Ovens puts all his focus on webinars…
VShred puts all their focus on Facebook ads…
Natural Health Sherpa is really good at quiz funnels.
All of these companies are crazy successful.
Because they got really good at ONE thing.
They don’t waste time trying to do three things at once.
Cause you can’t master three things at once.
So you just become mediocre at all three.
I’ve seen this over and over again…
Getting really good at one thing – whether that’s email, FB ads, native…whatever…is the secret to growing very quickly.
And then from there you can obviously expand into other areas.
But you first have to dial-in that one thing.
That’s the key.
Every successful person or business I work with has done this – so that should be a clue.
It’s worth figuring out what your “one thing” is…
That’s all I got for ya today,
Enjoy your Wednesday.
– Justin