One of the things that held me back from making good money for a number of years were bad beliefs about money.
For example…
I grew up believing things like…
– Rich people are assholes
– If you make a lot of money, you’re taking money away from other people
– When you sell something, you win and the other person loses
– $50k is a lot of money to make in a year
– You have to work hard to make money
All of these beliefs were ingrained in me when I was a kid.
Because this is what my parents believed.
And it makes sense that they would think this way.
Cause both of my parents work blue-collar jobs.
My dad works in a factory that makes conveyor belts for the coal industry.
And my mom has worked every job from waitress to preschool teacher.
So they live in a world where these beliefs are rampant.
But over time, I learned that I don’t have to believe the same things they do about money.
Those are THEIR beliefs.
They don’t have to be mine.
And my experience as entrepreneur has proven that most of the beliefs my parents have about money are simply wrong.
Take for example the idea that “rich people are assholes”.
This is one that held me back for a while.
Cause I believed it 100%.
When I was in college, I thought all the problems in the world were because of rich people.
And I thought that rich people did something evil to get rich.
If Bernie Sanders had been around when I was in college, I would have been his biggest evengelist.
But not anymore…
Cause my beliefs about rich people have changed.
Once I started hanging out with rich people, I realized pretty quickly that they weren’t the evil assholes I made them out to be.
In fact, they were actually more fun, and a lot happier than the people my parents hung out with.
My parents and their friends were assholes.
They were always critical…
And blaming everything on someone else.
The rich people I hung out with weren’t like that.
They were generally pretty positive.
And grateful for the things in their life.
And once I got to see this in person…
And soak it in…
It was a game-changer for me.
Cause that was the beginning of me creating my own money beliefs.
Ones that are based on my experience…
And not my parents…
I’ve come a long way in changing my views about money.
It’s one of those things I wish I knew earlier.
Cause you can do everything right in your business…
But if on a core level you have bad beliefs about making money…
Or getting rich…
Then you’re basically driving a car with the emergency break on.
Sure you’ll eventually get there…
But it’s 10x harder than it needs to be.
Cause there’s always something (your money beliefs) resisting what you’re trying to do.
That’s something that took me a long time to learn.
But I’m grateful I finally did.
I hope this was helpful for ya.
Cause that’s all I got for today.
Heading off to the park with big George for a little play time.
Enjoy your Saturday.
– Justin