One of the smartest things you can do to connect with the big players in the online marketing space is to simply “buy your way” into the rooms they’re in.
For example…
Back in 2008, I was living in Columbus, Ohio and I was barely scraping by as an affiliate marketer.
I think I was making like $40k a year at the time.
It was enough to make ends meet.
But I wanted more.
Around this time, one of my original mentors, Shoemoney, put up a post about a conference he was going to put on for the BEST internet marketers.
It was called Elite Retreat.
It was limited to 30 people total.
And the cost was $5,000.
I remember thinking that was SOOO much money at the time.
I wanted to go.
Cause I wanted to learn from Shoe, and some of the amazing speakers he was bringing in.
But $5,000 was a big pill to swallow.
I remember asking my girlfriend at the time if I should do it…
Normally she wasn’t very supportive of my entrepreneurial dreams.
She wanted me to get a real job.
And to stop wasting time on this “online stuff”.
But for some reason, this time she was supportive.
“I think you should do it – sounds like it will be a big help” she said.
So after hemming and hawing for months on end, I finally pulled the trigger.
I wired $5,000 to Shoemoney.
I felt a rush of panic.
I think I had about $10,000 to my name, and half of that just went out the door in a wire to him.
So I was nervous…
But guess what?
It wound up being one of the smartest decisions, I’ve ever made.
Because at that event I made connections with people like Shoemoney, Jon Correll (Conversion VooDoo), Kris Jones (sold PepperJam for $100 million), Brian Clark (started CopyBlogger) and more.
These were all guys that were lightyears ahead of me at the time.
They were regularly taking home 7 and 8 figures a year themselves.
I had no business being in the same room as them.
I made that happen.
Simply by “buying my way” into the room.
Sure, the $5,000 I spent to do it was a big deal at the time.
But it also changed the course of my life.
Cause I now had a network of people to learn from that I didn’t have before.
And that doesn’t even count all the tactical stuff I learned at the event that took my Facebook ad campaigns to the next level.
I think I made back the cost of my ticket within a month or two.
So it was worth every penny.
But the key thing to take away here is that if you don’t have a seat at the “big kids table” yet, then the easiest way to do that is to buy your way in.
Get in a room with the “players”.
And meet them in person.
That’s how you make the connections that will take you from a 7-figure business to an 8-figure business…
Or how you go from an unknown copywriter, to a guy that everyone wants to hire.
It’s all about who you know.
So if you’re interested in making this leap…
And connecting with the “who’s who” of the online marketing world…
I highly suggest you grab one of the last seats available for our upcoming Vegas mastermind.
The event is next week (Feb 26-28th).
And every “big player” in our industry will be there.
So if you want to “level up” and meet these people in person, this is the place to be.
Simply head over to the event page and get all the details here.
Hope to see ya there…
– Justin