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A reader named Klay writes in and asks…

If you could only give one piece of advice to someone who’s already doing decent online, but wants to go get to the next level, what would it be?”

Good question…

And my answer to this is relatively simple.

I suggest you surround yourself with people who are at the level you want to get to.

I know that’s not a sexy answer.

In fact it’s kind of boring.

But it works.

For example…

At our last Copy Accelerator event in Austin, I got feedback from numerous 7 and 8 figure business owners that simply being around high-level people people like Nick Daniel…

And Stefan Georgi…

And Parris Lampropolous…

…was life changing for them.


Because when they saw how those guys thought about business…

And they got to see how their mind’s worked…

It opened up a whole new world of possibility.

They realized that they were playing small.

And that if they wanted to get to the next level, they had to look at their business differently.

To me that’s probably the best thing you can do.

Cause I’ve personally seen the power of it in my own life.

I remember the first time I met Jeff Siegel from the Diet Solution back in the day.

It was at one of the original Traffic & Conversion events when it was still in Austin.

Jeff mentioned they were doing like $30k a day in sales at the time (this was back in 2009 or so).

I remember being stunned.

That seemed like SO MUCH money.

But hearing him say that opened my eyes…

And helped me see that there was a whole ‘nother level I could get to.

What’s funny is that just a few years after this, my business was doing a lot more than $30k a day.

We were regularly hitting $60k-$80k per day.

So what seemed crazy to me at one point, became kind of normal to me. 

But that’s the power of being around people that are playing at a higher level than you. 


If I could give you one piece of advice it would be to do everything you can to get yourself in a room with people who are playing on a higher level than you.

Our next Copy Accelerator event is perfect for this.

All the big names from health, financial, survival,  dating and more will be there (I’ll have a full list for ya soon).

That includes business owners…

As well as copywriters…

And funnel experts…

It’s really a “who’s who” of the online marketing world.

So if you’re serious about getting to the next level, I suggest getting in that room, so you can meet these people.

I’ll have more info soon on the event…

And how you can snag one of the sit-in seats that will be available.

But for now…

Just block off Feb 26th-28th on your calendar.

Cause that’s when the event will be.

More details to come soon (including the full speaker list which is LOADED).

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.