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Contrary to what you see on Instagram, being an entrepreneur isn’t always rosey.

Take me for example…

I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately with my business.

I’m not feeling particularly inspired…

So I’ve been procrastinating on a few of my big 2020 projects.

I’ve had the same things on my to-do list for 3 weeks and they’re simply not getting done.

On a physical level, I just feel worn out.

Like I need a break.

I’ve been a little too “go go go” lately and I think it’s catching up with me.

This is one of the reasons I’m forcing myself to take an actual vacation to Cabo over Christmas.

I don’t think I’ve ever gone on a real, non-working vacation since I’ve been an entrepreneur.

There’s always been some element of work…

Even if its just writing an email for an hour in the morning.

But right now, I’m feeling the need to totally disconnect.

No working on business stuff…

No checking emails…


Part of me is scared shitless to do this.

But the other part of me knows I need it.

My body needs to recharge.

And to disconnect.

What’s funny is that this is something I always talk about in emails.

I’m the anti-hustle guy.

I’m all for doing things you enjoy doing like watching TV…

Or just being lazy and laying on your couch.

I can’t stand the 24-7 hustle culture that guys like Grant Cardone and Gary V espouse. 

But ironically, I’ve seemed to have slipped back into it in some ways. 

I’m always focused on work.

And not making time for me.

And now I’m feeling the brunt of that.


I wanted to share that with you cause it’s a good example that being an entrepreneur isn’t always champagne and roses.

There can be lulls as well.

There can be periods where you feel uninspired.

And you wonder what it’s all for.

But I think that’s just part of the gig.

And simply being aware that there will be ruts and lulls, makes it a little easier to go through.

Make sense?

Hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for today.

Take care,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.