A reader named Karl emailed me yesterday with an interesting copy question…
“I’m a financial planner, so most of my clients have money. I’m struggling to figure out exactly what their problems are. I feel like they can’t have that many considering how well off they are. Any thoughts?“
There’s a lot to unpack here.
First, the idea that rich people don’t have problems is totally wrong.
Rich people have problems just like poor people have problems.
They’re just different problems.
And in regards to financial planning, I can tell you as a rich dude myself, there’s a few major worries I have…
– Losing all the money I accumulated and having to start over
– Worried about being ripped off by a shady financial planner
– Worried about losing a bunch of money in a divorce, lawsuit etc…
– The shame of potentially having to give up the lifestyle I’ve grown accustom to (I.E. trade in the Range Rover and drive a Ford Focus)
– Missing out on tax breaks and investments that other rich people are in on
– I’m frustrated with how confusing this is to manage and I just want it done for me
– I want to feel like I’m special when I work with you
This list could go on an on…
But my main point is this…
Everyone has problems.
Doesn’t matter how rich or poor someone is.
We all feel the same emotions.
I feel fear just like you feel fear.
And I feel shame just like you feel shame.
That’s part of being human.
And if you want to write better copy…
And sell more stuff to your clients…
Then you need to figure out what these big worries and frustrations are for them.
It’s not hard to figure out.
Especially when you get to talk to your clients 1-on-1 like a financial planner does.
Your clients will tell you point blank what their problems are.
It’s your job to simply listen.
Listen to what they’re bitching about…
And listen to what strikes fear into their hearts…
If you do that, the sale is quite easy.
Cause you can just feed their fears and frustrations right back to them.
And show them how working with YOU will help them get rid of that.
Easy peasy.
Hope this example was helpful for ya…
Cause that’s all I got for today.
Enjoy your Tuesday.
– Justin