Today’s email is a re-print of one of my favorites.
It’s all about Bill Clinton and his sexual infidelities…
And how you can write better copy simply by understanding what made ole’ slick Willy tick.
A few weeks ago I watched the full 6-episode Clinton Affair documentary that came out on A&E.
And it was damn good.
It goes through the entire lead up to the affair…
All the secret backroom hookups between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton…
The famous dress with Clinton’s goop on it…
And eventually how Linda Tripp wore a wire and ratted them both out.
It’s a juicy story.
And if you like documentaries, I highly suggest it.
But something really struck me while I was watching it.
And it’s something that can really help you when it comes to copy.
I had to remind myself numerous times while watching it that Bill Clinton was President of the United States.
He was most powerful man in the world.
And yet here he was living this secret life… sneaking around… hooking up with an intern.
What we saw from the outside was not reality.
But here’s the thing…
That’s how everyone’s life is.
What most people present to the outside world is NOT who they really are.
We see what they want us to see.
They try to show us a perfect representation of themselves.
So they hide all the shit that’s truly running their life…
All their worries…
Everything they’re ashamed about…
And all the frustration they feel on a day-to-day basis.
That’s what people do.
And it’s why copywriters always have to dig a layer deeper to see what’s really going on.
The guy who buys the dating e-book, isn’t going to tell you that he’s secretly lonely, and that he feels like a loser when his friends make fun of him for not being able to talk to girls…
And the woman that buys the diet program isn’t going to tell you that she looks at 20 year old girls who haven’t had kids yet, and secretly resents them for being so skinny and young-looking.
People won’t show that side of themselves to you.
That’s the kind of stuff you have to figure out on your own.
But the truth is, that’s the side you want to see.
Cause that’s where all their hot buttons are.
Their fears…
Their insecurities…
Their frustrations…
That’s what you want to tap into.
If someone like Bill Clinton is willing to hide all of this to present a “perfect picture” to the American people, you can bet everyone else is doing the same.
So next time you’re writing copy, keep this in mind.
Dig a little deeper…
And find out what’s really going on underneath…
Because what people show you isn’t really who they are.
– Justin