I’m no expert on productivity.
In fact, I’m pretty bad at it.
One thing I’ve gotten good at is really focusing on the 5% of stuff that has the biggest impact.
For example…
I mentioned yesterday that the first thing I do every morning is write this email.
Writing a daily email is part of my 5%.
Because it has a bigger impact on getting people into my coaching programs, and to my live events than anything else.
Without the daily email, my business would fall apart.
So writing this email is part of my 5%.
Another part of my 5% is getting new people onto my email list.
Even though this email list is private…
And quite small in size (it just hit 1200 people)…
I’m still always on the lookout for getting the RIGHT people onto the list.
That usually means business owners who own a direct response biz.
Or high-end copywriters.
Those kinds of people are a great fit to be on here.
So I’m always figuring out ways to get MORE of those people on my list.
That’s also part of my 5%.
Now let’s look at what’s NOT part of my 5%…
One of the things that needs to be done everyday is manually adding the names and emails of people to my email list.
Since people have to apply to be on the list, I don’t have a normal opt-in form.
So after I go through and approve (or deny) each application, each new person has to be added manually.
However, this isn’t something I have to be doing.
That’s not part of my 5%.
So it’s something my assistant, Laurie, does.
Like I said, I’m no genius when it comes to productivity…
But I get pretty good results simply by focusing on my 5%.
It’s a simple concept…
But it’s one that can help you get a lot more done (in less time) if you actually do it.
I mentioned yesterday that I’m gonna be doing a little Zoom hangout with Craig Ballantyne today talking about all this.
We’ll be talking specifically about…
– Finding your “magic time”. This is the 2-3 hours a day where you get more done than any other time of the day (for me this is 7-9 AM). Craig will help you find yours.
– How to weed out stuff you’re currently doing that isn’t part of your 5%
– How to work 10 less hours a week, and make 2x as much money
I’m excited for this call.
So whether you’re a business owner…
A copywriter…
A marketer…
This Zoom call will be really helpful in terms of helping you to get more done in less time.
That’s something Craig is brilliant at.
And something I’m a big fan of.
Cause unlike most entrepreneurs, I don’t believe you have to sacrifice all the fun stuff and work 24/7.
I still watch TV for like an hour each night.
I take the weekends off.
I take George to the park everyday.
That’s all stuff I enjoy doing.
And I’ve been able to find a good balance of making a bunch of money, while not being consumed 24/7 by work.
So if that interests you…
Feel free to come join Craig and I on Zoom today at 3 PM ET/noon PT.
You can register for the call right here.
See ya soon…
– Justin