A number of people emailed me this week asking me to connect them to Jeff (my tax strategist) so this email is gonna give you a little info about him.
I’ll start with how I wound-up working with Jeff.
Before Jeff, I went through about 5 different CPA’s since 2011.
And most of these ended in frustration.
Everytime I hired a new CPA, I quickly realized that I was the one bringing them new ideas.
So if I saw an article in Forbes about tax deductions…
I’d email them and ask if we could do this in my business.
Most of the time they said no…
But sometimes they said “yes”, and we’d do it.
This always perplexed me.
If I could have been using this deduction, why weren’t they bringing it up?
Why was I the one suggesting it?
This never made any sense to me.
I wanted help lowering my tax burden.
Yet all I was getting was someone who could add up my income and expenses and tell me what I owed at the end of the year.
Maybe you can relate to this…
It took me a while to realize that this is what most CPA’s do.
They’re not tax strategists.
They’re order takers.
You hand them all your info for the year, and they send you a folder saying “here pay this”.
There’s no strategy involved.
No suggestions about better ways to setup your company to lower your tax burden.
No advice on specific write-offs you could be taking (like the big R&D tax credit I mentioned earlier this week)
None of that.
I went through a bunch of CPA’s like this.
But back in 2015-2016 things finally changed…
After a recommendation from my friend Jon Correll, I connected with a good tax strategist named Manny.
And I worked with Manny for a few years.
He helped me get away from my basic LLC…
And to setup multiple companies to lower my tax burden.
And while he was solid at what he did…
I had a feeling there was still more I could be doing to lower my taxes.
And I was right…
Cause that’s what happened when I linked up with Jeff.
Jeff was referred to me by Dan Roitman.
If you don’t know Dan, he’s the former CEO of Pimselur Approach, which was a $100+ million dollar company in the info-product space.
Dan connected us. And after a few emails, I discovered that Jeff’s office was located about 10 minutes away from me in Austin
So we decided to meet up.
The first time we met I quickly realized that Jeff was doing taxes for many of the big shots in our industry.
He’s the guy Garrett Gunderson refers all of his clients to.
Tons of people in War Room use him.
So that showed me right away that I was in good hands.
And after getting to know him for a bit, he showed me a few big opportunities in my tax strategy that my old guy was missing.
Which was honestly surprising to me…
Cause my old guy was pretty solid.
But some of the stuff Jeff was suggesting was just a lot deeper and more detailed than the advice I was previously getting.
It was like stepping up from the minor leagues to the pros.
And I was going to save close to 6-figures on my taxes on top of what I was already saving.
Which is nice.
It took me a while to realize that the reason he’s able to get results that most CPA’s can’t is quite simple.
Jeff and his team simply understand the tax code better than every other CPA I’ve met.
He’s got an entire team who’s sole job it is to comb through the tax code and look for an edge.
Most CPA’s don’t do this.
But he does.
And it’s why he’s able to get such great results for his clients.
Out of the 6-7 people I’ve referred to him I’ve heard back from a few who are already getting a big ROI working with him…
One of the guys I referred is a 7-figure earning copywriter, who was able to save close to $220,000 this year on his taxes with the advice Jeff gave him.
Another one I referred owns a very large supplement company that’s doing 9-figures right now. Jeff was able to find them $2.9 million in tax savings that they weren’t getting from their current CPA.
Another guy I referred who does high-ticket offers, said after his first call with Jeff they had found close to $200,000 in tax savings for him.
So as you can see this is serious money he’s saving people.
And most CPA’s are missing this.
So if you’re rakin’ in the dough…
I highly suggest chatting with Jeff and seeing if he can help you.
The dude has helped me a ton.
And if you’re making good money, he prolly can help you too.
The toughest part is actually getting him to work with you.
Cause he has a pretty high standard for the clients he takes on.
Basically the requirements are…
– you’re personally making at least $600k a year (or you have a business making at least a few million a year)
– you have at least $600k in liquid money
– you understand that he’s not cheap to work with.
I paid Jeff a $25k upfront fee and then I pay him a $5k a month retainer.
This was major sticker shock for me when I first started working with him.
I was used to spending like $2000 on a CPA, so this was a big increase.
But here’s what I discovered working with him…
It’s not about how much you spend, it’s about the ROI you get.
Working with Jeff is NOT an expense for me.
It’s an asset.
It makes me money.
I basically get a 3-4x return on every dollar I give him.
And if you compare that to what I was getting when I was paying a basic CPA $1000 or $2000 to do my taxes, I’m coming out way ahead now.
Cause he’s saving me a bunch in taxes.
So keep that in mind…
It’s about the ROI you get…not the cost.
Make sense?
I’m gonna wrap this up now.
Hopefully this series on taxes was helpful for you…
And you learned a few things…
If you’re interested in chatting with Jeff (and you meet the requirements I stated above) just reply to this email and let me know.
The only other thing I ask is that if I connect you to him, please actually get on a call with him.
Don’t be flaky.
I hate connecting people and then they don’t follow through.
So that’s all I ask.
If you want an intro, simply reply to this email and let me know and I’ll get ya connected.
– Justin