Last year, the guys at Vshred shelled out $50,000 for my biz partner Stefan Georgi to write the copy for their supplement called BURN.
So Stefan took them up on the offer…
And whipped up what looked like a winning VSL in just a matter of days.
If you know anything about Stefan, he’s probably the #1 copywriter in the world right now.
And he’s been cranking out winner after winner for the last year for tons of different offers.
So he was expecting the BURN offer to be a big winner as well.
That really wasn’t the case.
When the VShred guys started running traffic to it, they realized the conversion rate was pretty low.
And the VSL was FAR from a big winner.
I think it was bringing in like 30 buyers a day…
Which is nothing to sneeze at…
But VShred is used to doing 500-2000 buyers a day on most of their offers.
So this was disappointing.
But luckily for Stefan this wasn’t permanent.
He knew what needed fixed in order to make the offer work.
So he sat down at his desk…
And in less than 25 minutes he re-wrote the lead for the VSL.
Specifially he added more proof (including a cool hook involving Harvard)…
And then he cranked up the curiosity as well…
Once he was done, he sent the new lead over to Nick at VShred…
Nick immediately got the lead filmed…
And uploaded so they could test it.
Stefan was waiting anxiously to see how it did.
After all they paid him $50k for this…
So they were expecting results.
After a few days of not knowing how his lead did, Stefan finally got word from Nick…
The new lead was a homerun!
And it boosted conversions by 72%.
Which is incredible…
But what reallyy matters is that this new lead allowed VShred to scale this offer from 30 buyers a day to over 1500 buyers a day on cold traffic.
Think about that…
Everything else on the offer stayed the same.
The ads, the rest of the VSL, the upsells etc…
All they changed was the first minute or so of the VSL.
And boom, it’s a 1000 buyer a day offer.
But that’s why I always say “little hinges swing big doors” when it comes to your offer.
And this happens all the time when you get the lead on your sales page or VSL right.
Which is why I specifically brought Stefan on to create the module on “leads” in my 1000 Buyers A Day course.
In his module, Stefan lays out this very lead he wrote for Vshred (and a bunch of others)…
And he shows you exactly what he did to fix the lead and make it work.
He also breaks down why certain leads can scale to 1000 buyers a day…
And why others can’t.
His module in the course is truly a masterclass.
And like I said it’s filled with real examples of leads that are scaling to 1000 buyers a day…
So if you haven’t picked the course up yet, I’d highly suggest you snag a copy today.
So far, 263 people have already picked up a copy of the course.
Which is a lot more than I was expecting for my tiny list.
So if you want to join them…
And get the course at the lowest price it will ever be offered at…
Then I suggest you grab a copy now.
Remember the price for this course goes back up to $2000 once the launch ends on Tuesday at midnight.
But if you act before then, you can actually get a copy of the course for free.
You can see why I’m giving it away for free…
And listen to all the juicy details right here.