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Not all money is the same. Some money comes with a lot more work and added stress. This is the money you want to avoid

For example…

Let’s say you’re a copywriter who is charging $10,000 for a sales letter.

You’re doing well…

But you want to make more this year. 

So you decide to add a royalty onto each sales letter you write.

Your new rate is now $10,000 per letter + 2% of the gross sales your letter makes.

The reality is that some of these letters will bomb and you won’t make anything.

But others will be a homerun, and you’ll get big royalty checks for months to come. 

This royalty that you added to your fees is an example of “easy money”.

Cause you’re making more money without any extra work.  

This is the type of money you want.

And it’s what you should be looking for. 

What you don’t want is a situation where making more money means a lot more of your time and a lot more stress in your life.

For example…

Let’s take this same copywriter who’s charging $10,000 per letter, and let’s say a client offers him a retainer gig writing 40 emails per month for $5000. 

So he has the potential to go from $10,000 a month to $15,000 a month.

Which is a big jump.

That’s an extra $60k per year.

But here’s the rub.

Writing those 40 emails each month is a big committment. 

It’s a lot of time.

And a lot of research.

And on top of that the client who wants to hire him is known for having unreasonable expectations.

He’ll text writers at 10 PM and say he needs 3 emails by 8 AM the next morning.

So he’s not fun to work for…

This leaves you with a big question to answer…

Is this money worth it to you?

That answer will probably differ for a lot of people.

For me personally, this would be a big fat “NO”.

No amount of money is worth me being stressed out and miserable. 

This is what I mean when I say not all money is equal.

Sometimes money comes easy…

And sometimes it comes with a lot of added stress and a ton of extra work.

But here’s the thing…

You get to choose which kind of money you want to make.

Cause if you have the talent, the opportunities are endless. 

You don’t have to chase money at all costs.

You can pick which ones you want.

And ignore the others. 

But again it all boils down to understanding that not all money is equal. 

This is something that took me a while to learn.

Cause I used to chase money at all costs.

If I saw a chance to increase the revenue in my business, I’d go after it.

Didn’t matter what it was.

I just wanted to make more.

But this is a mistake.

Cause like I said “not all money is equal”.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.