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One thing I constantly hammer home is that almost ALL of the money in direct response is made through email.

Case in point…

Here’s a breakdown of how much money I’ve made from email versus Youtube and Instagram.

For a baseline, let’s start with my subscriber/follower counts on each platform.

Youtube – 8k subscribers

Instagram – 13k followers

Email – 9k subscribers

So all three of these are basically in the same ballpark as far as subscriber counts.


The amount of money I’ve made from each of these platforms is very, very different.

For example…

Instagram – $6138 in revenue

I don’t promote a whole lot on Instagram (I used to do it more), but when I do promote, it doesn’t make me a lot of money.  

Overall I’ve sold 3 tickets to a previous Copy Accelerator event through Instagram ($1650 each).

And I sold 4 people on a live freelancer training I did earlier this year (@$297 each).

Now I know I could be doing a lot more to facilitate sales on IG, but for me IG is more just for fun.

I use it to keep up with friends, and to post pictures of things I’m doing.

So selling is really not a focus.

And that’s why it’s only made me $6138 to date.

Now let’s look at Youtube…

Youtube – $27,300 in revenue

I’ve been posting videos on Youtube for nearly three years now.

Youtube for me is mostly just a way to reach new people, and to funnel them onto my email list (it brings me a few hundred opt-ins each month).

But in terms of making money…

Youtube did a decent job of putting people into our Copy Accelerator events over the years.

Last I checked we sold 12 tickets to Copy Accelerator events (at $1650 each) through videos I posted on Youtube.

And I also made about $7500 in affiliate commissions from a video I did with Stefan about his RMBC copywriting course.

So overall Youtube has made me around $27,300 in sales.

That’s better than Instagram, but still not that much money when compared to my email list.

Which is what I want to look at next…

Email – $4.1 million in take home pay

This is approximately how much I’ve made from email since the inception of my email list in April of 2018.

Everything I did from coaching to consulting to affiliate promos to selling courses came from my email list. 

And the craziest part is that I don’t even have a big list.

For the first two years my list was around 1000 people.

Then it was 3000 people for a year…

Now it’s around 9000 people…

Which in the world of email lists is not very big.

Yet, with a small list I was still able to…

– make $20k-$35k on each affiliate promo

– create a $45,000 a month print newsletter business

– put 300-400 people into our live events at $1650 per ticket

– build a coaching program that paid me between 1-1.5 million dollars a year

So for me, email wins in a landslide.

It’s not even close.

Email is what drove pretty much all the revenue in my businesses over the last few years.

And there’s a good reason for this…

People are conditioned to buy things through email.

And people are especially conditioned to buy things when they have a REAL bond with the person sending them the email. 

That’s the key.

Which is why that “bond” has been my focus over the last 4 years with my email list.

Now, creating this bond is actually easier than you might think.

It’s not rocket science.

However, most people screw it up (and wind-up losing subscribers because of it)

You probably don’t want that to happen…

And I don’t want it to happen to you.

So here’s how I want to help you…

Next Wednesday, I’m going to be hosting a live training on Zoom showing you exactly how to write “Justin style” emails (AKA emails like mine). 

During this training, I’ll show you… 

– how to come up with an endless list of ideas to write about in your emails

– how to get 50-60% open rates for the emails you send (this is what I’ve averaged for the past three years)

– how to sell things through email and have your list LOVE you for it (instead of hating you and unsubscribing like they usually do)

– how I’m able to bring in $20k-$30k a month promoting affiliate offers using nothing but story-based emails (I’ll show you a full 7-day example of this)

– how to write “Justin style” emails for clients ( if you’re a copywriter writing for clients, we’ll dive into how you can get stories and topics from a client so you can write emails in their voice)

– how often you should sell in your emails vs. how often you should send “bonding” emails 

– how to get people to open your email every single day simply because it’s YOU sending it (this one has a very indepth answer that is really the foundation of my email style, so I’ll make sure I lay that out in the training)

– how to build an email list (this could be it’s own course, but I’ll breakdown 3-4 of my favorite list building methods that you can use right away to build a list)

– how to use “Justin style” emails in niches like health, financial, coaching, biz-op, survival, dating, music, hobby niches and more (I’ll have a bunch of examples of these to share with you)

– plus much, much more

So that’s what the training is all about.

Like I said, it will take place next Wednesday October 5th at noon ET on Zoom.

You’ll also get a copy of the recording of the call and all the documents used in the training to keep as well.

So that’s the deal…

Now, unlike other trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past, this one won’t cost $1000.

In fact, it won’t even cost $500…

I’m intent on making this training affordable for nearly everyone.

So instead of charging $1000 or $500…

I set the price at just $197.

So for $197, I’ll walk you through my whole system for writing “Justin Style” emails.

That way you’ll be able to write similar emails for yourself…

Or for your clients…

And make a whole lot of dough in the process (without a whole lot of work).

So if you’re an offer owner, a copywriter, a coach or an expert, then this training is for you.

Last I checked we had 102 people already signed up for the training (including some BIG name marketers and copywriters).

So if you want to be a part of this ONE TIME training, then I suggest you grab your spot now.

Just head over to the checkout page at the link below and get signed up.

Registration closes in a few days…

Hopefully I see ya in there.

-> How to write “Justin style” emails for maximum money and maximum influence

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.