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Earlier this year at the Titans mastermind, Dan Kennedy shared a brilliant story about why some people won’t buy if their pain isn’t painful enough…

It went like this…

Basically Dan was helping a dentist get new patients for a high-end teeth restoration procedure.

This was like a $40,000 procedure.

And the goal was to re-do all their teeth so they look like they just walked out of a Hollywood movie.

Dan said their main target for this was wealthy men over the age of 50.


After running the campaign for a while, he noticed that a lot of men would be VERY interested in this procedure for months and months, but in the end they wouldn’t commit to it.

Their reason?

Yeh I know my teeth are bad, but I’ve been married for 25 years and at this point my wife ain’t leavin, so why do I need new teeth?”

For these guys the “pain” simply wasn’t painful enoough.

They knew their teeth were bad…

…But they didn’t have any real reason to get new teeth, so they just did nothing.

Which happens in a lot of niches…

But what was even more interesting was that Dan discovered there was a group of guys for whom the pain of their bad teeth was red-hot.

These guys would buy instantly, and not even care about the price.

He determined the “red hot buyers” were guys over the age of 50, who recently got divorced. 

For these guys, the pain of having bad teeth was very real.

Because they went from the safe confines of a marriage to now being back out in the wild trying to woo women.

And their mangled set of teeth weren’t helping.

So for them, dropping $40k to get rid of the shame and embarrassment they felt about their teeth was well worth it.

And the big lesson in here is simple…

There has to be a BIG pain  point that your offer solves…

And it  has to be something the person feels everyday.

Something that really taps into their shame…

And their fears…

Cause when you do that…

You can pretty much print money.

That’s a simple lesson…

But it’s one that 90% of people miss.

Even smart marketers.

Keep that in mind…

– Justin

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