“Model the people who are where you want to be”
I still remember the first time I heard Tony Robbins say this.
It struck a chord with me.
And simplified a lot of things.
That phrase made me realize that I could be successful by simply modeling someone else’s actions.
No need to figure it out on my own…
No need to try a million different things…
I could just model what they did.
So I did that.
And after a few years, I became one of the best copywriters in the world…
I built a $23 million business because of my copy…
And when I did client work, I was able to charge $25k-$100k for most of the projects I worked on.
Which brings me to the point of this email…
Today, I’m gonna show you the path I followed…
So that you can make $100k (or more) as a copywriter.
I’ve helped numerous email copywriters like Tanner Henkel, Jerrod Harlan and Alec Rosa to make over $100k a year.
I’ve helped long-form copywriters like Michael Rochin, Rob Tidwell, Areeba Ahmed, Andrew Tennant, Samantha Novak and Amber Peoples to do the same.
And today I want to show you how to do it as well.
Here’s the deal…
At 2 PM ET/11 AM PT I’m hosting a private Zoom call where I’ll be showing you how you can make $100k (or more) as a copywriter.
PLUS, I’m also going to have 4 copywriters join me who are all clearing over $100k a year.
Some of these copywriters are relatively new (writing for less than two years)…
While others have been at it for a while…
Either way, these writers have a TON of wisdom to share with you.
So I’m gonna let them share what worked for them…
As well as what didn’t work.
This way you’ll know exactly what you need to do to get to $100k quickly.
By the end of the call, you’ll have a clear vision of what it takes to make $100k or more a year as a copywriter.
So if that piques your interest…
Make sure you register for the call now.
The call starts at 2 PM ET/10 AM PT.
I will try to record it for a replay (no guarantees though).
So if you can make it live, I suggest you do that…
Here’s the link to save your spot…
-> The secret to making $100k (or more) as a copywriter in a year
See ya on the call in a few hours…
– Justin