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Last week I sent out an email talking about how I was struggling with my loss of identity as an entrepreneur.

I talked about how it’s been a big mind-fuck…

And how I’m feeling a lot of uncertainty because I’m not currently working.

That email seemed to resonate with a lot of people.

Cause I got a bunch of responses from it.

Most of the responses were great (like this one below)…


I appreciate you for putting yourself out there and sharing things and if you never produce a thing again I will still be greatly impacted by what you have done. And so have many others.


That’s a nice email to get.

I always appreciate those.


Whenever you get positive emails…

You’re also gonna get negative ones as well.

Like this one that I got (which I edited for brevity)…


This is lame and lazy.

People with money may have problem-like challenges, but they certainly are not as stressful as the problems of “where my next meal is coming from”.

People with money are just lazy. And prefer to whine that they still have problems

Unless it is health related, people with money do not have problems .

Get some perspective, man.


This is really interesting to me.

Both of these guys read the same email…

Yet they had very different reactions…

One guy was empathetic and thanked me for everything I’ve shared over the years…

While the other guy basically told me I’m weak, and that I need to suck it up…

So how does this happen?

How does the exact same email trigger two very different reactions?

Well, it’s simple…

It’s because their reactions are not really about what I said…

It’s all about what’s going on inside of them.

That’s the reality.

Their reactions are about the emotions they feel…

The beliefs they have…

And the experiences they’ve lived…

It’s not actually about me…

It’s all about THEM.

This is a lesson that took me a long time to learn.

And it’s one I always try to keep in mind.

The way people react to you is about what’s going on inside of THEM.

So if your friend says something hurtful to you…

Or if a client is being an asshole…

Or if someone leaves a terrible comment on your Youtube channel…

It’s really not about you.

It’s about the emotions, the beliefs and the experiences that are brewing inside of them.

That’s what it’s about.

So the next time someone takes a shot at you…

Or says something hurtful…

Keep in mind, that it’s not actually about you.

It’s really about what’s going on inside of THEM.

Hope this was helpful…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.